Chapter 6

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I hear Sam yelling at Mikaela, because of her comment. It causes me to bust out laughing. I quickly put my hands up to cover my face to stop the laughing, but it only makes me laugh more. Bee suddenly tilts himself on to 2 tires causing me to gasp and shut my eyes in fear from the sudden movement. Bee chuckles a little through the radio. I then feel the interior change beneath me and feel us level out. I look all around and in the mirrors and see that Bee has changed his appearance. He was still a Camaro, but a newer version of one. My jaw drops from amazement. 

"Not a piece of crap...Camaro now, huh?" Bee tunes in. I shake my head and respond 

"That was COOL!" really loudly and obnoxious. Bee whirs happily. 

"I want to see more of...those reactions.." Bee tunes through the radio, revving the engine. My heart-beat quickens, as my face flushes a deep red. 'I didn't know, I could get this red!' I lower my head letting some of my hair fall to my face. 

"Move your's beautiful, but your face is better..." Bee tunes. I chuckle and comb my fingers through my hair pushing it behind my ears. I give him a wide smile showing him everything. My big e/c eyes and white teeth. 

"Adorable.." Bee tunes in as we pull up to Sam and Mikaela. They stare in awe as Bee stops by them. Bee opens the passenger door letting them in. Sam lets Mikaela in first she slides into the seat in the middle by me, and Sam in the passenger. We all look at each other and smile as Bee takes us to his destination.

15 minutes later as we all sit in silence taking naps, Bee revs the engine letting us know we arrived. Mikaela, Sam and I all get out and make our way to the front of Bee. I sit on the hood of Bee as Mikaela and Sam stand to the left of me. We all are looking to the sky as we see 4 meteors coming towards us. 1 lands not so far of a distance behind us as the other 3 separate. Mikaela grabs Sam's hand causing a small smile to cross my face. 'Atta boy.' When the asteroids crashed the earth shook. As to be expected. Bee pops open both doors, letting us know it's time to go. We all slide inside and allow Bee to take us wherever. 

He drives us to another abandoned lot with a large alleyway. Sam and I slowly open our door's as we see 4 vehicles drive up to us. 'Was that them?' A gray Pontiac, a medical truck with flashing lights , a black GMC with stacks and a blue Peterbilt with red flames. We all stare in amazement as they all begin to transform (huh, huh. Sorry..ahem..) in front of us. 

The blue and red Peterbilt lowers himself down close to our level and asks 

"Are you Samuel James Witwicky,descendent of Archibald Witwicky?" Sam doesn't respond as he stares in amazement. 

"They know your name." Mikaela whispers into Sam's ear. 

"Yeah." Sam responds answering the Peterbilt's question.

"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organismsfrom the planet Cybertron." The Peterbilt explains. The medical truck speaks up 

" But you can call us Autobots for short." 

"Autobots." I say quietly looking at all of them in amazement with my mouth agape. 

"What's cracking, little bitches?" The Pontiac goes to say as he does a flip landing in a kneeling position with his metallic hand holding his chin. 

"My first lieutenant. Designation, Jazz." Optimus introduces the machine. 

"This looks like a cool place to kick it." Jazz states as he throws himself into an old car, as if it were a couch. His actions causes me to chuckle. Jazz looks at me and says 

"Who are you, little lady?" I take a few steps closer to him and hold out my hand 

"My name is Y/n L/n, I am Sam's best friend." I give him a small smile. He holds out his finger for me to shake, I wrap my tiny hand around it the best I can before I turn back to Optimus. Sam pipes up 

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