Training is a Bitch

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I don't even want to tell you how many times I fell on my ass. I began training with the Autobots a day after Bee and I...well ya know.. consummated our relationship. I don't wanna say love, because that takes time and I would like to take this slow. I care for him and all, but I want this right. Anyway, the Autobots and the government made an agreement or contract whatever with the Autobots. An alliance, really. The Autobots helped the government get rid of Deception's and The government gives the Autobots and other robots like them a home. Again, anyway The Autobots, Lennox and Epps taught me Combat, climbing, weapons and mechanics. Keep in mind I am still in school or at least finishing. It was hard, no it IS hard. Especially since I was still sore from the events between me and Bee. I never told anyone, I didn't know how they would see me. At first I was a little embarrassed because I just knew street fighting and back talking. I could take a hit and hold my own, but they ..They were AMAZING. I was nothing compared to them. Optimus taught me swordsmanship and combat. Basically wrestling and how to lift some of the Autobots weapons. I couldn't shoot there weapons just lift one end to throw it at them. Normal humans like Sam and Lennox couldn't lift them, but me I could. We all suspected it had something to do with the illuminating tattoo on my leg. Ratchet ran some tests and I did acquire some gifts or powers we could say. Well for example I can make a force field. Funny story how we discovered this too.. heh heh. 

After Ratchet finished running his tests Ironhide, Lennox and Epps thought it would be a good idea to run a little test to see if my training has been working. Well, anyway 

"Thanks, Ratchet!" I say with a smile and a small wave. 

"Be careful and come back in a couple days to see if we can figure this out." I nod my head and go to round a corner, but I stopped something felt weird. The air felt heavy, which was weird for me because the gravity felt like it was pulling me down. The flashing on my leg began to quicken. 

"Huh" I then hear footsteps I take a few steps back and take a defensive stance. That's when Epps rounds the corner and comes at me. I felt my heart stop as my breathe hitched. That's when this circle surrounds me that sends Epps flying halfway across the base. He crashed on the opposite side where Bee and Optimus were talking. Ironhide and Epps were gonna move in, but they came out from where they were hiding and watched as Epps flew past them. Everyone's jaw dropped including mine as there heads slowly turned to me.

"What the fuck?" I mutter to myself as I let my arms fall to my sides. I tilt my head in confusion as walk around the bubble the formed around me. It disappears after a while.

Lennox and The Autobots soon surround me and start asking if I was ok. 

"Forget about me check on Epps." I soon take off to where Epps flew. When we make it to him he's dying of laughter as he's laying in a pile of rubble. I hold my hand out to him to lift him up. 

"Dude, are you good?" He just continues to laugh as he grabs my hand. 

"That was awesome!" I breathe out of frustration and hoist him up. The others soon follow behind me. We watch as Epps wobbles around as he tries to walk it off. He soon faints and falls on me. 

"Fuck me" I say as my body hits the ground. Lennox pulls Epps off me an Optimus holds his finger out for me to take. My cheeks burn as I take it. 

"Thanks." I say as my feet plant back on the ground. Lennox takes Epps arm and walks him off to the Medical bay.

"The government is gonna have questions and mostly would want to keep you locked up for a bit." Optimus' optics widen and shrink as he explains this to me. 

"What did I do?" I say frustrated 'This is bullshit' Oh yeah and I swear a fuck-ton more. Mostly from listening to Lennox and Epps. Optimus doesn't like it, but Bee and I think it's hilarious. 

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