Chapter 9

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As we make our way to the city using the interstate we all start to hear screeching tires and see vehicles crashing. Sam, Mikaela and I turn our heads to look out the back window and see a Buffalo MPCV mine clearing truck pushing cars out of the way to get to us. 

"It knows we have the cube!" I say absent mindedly. It starts using it's arm on the truck to flip cars over as it gains speed on us. 

"No, no, no, no, no." Sam says shifting in his seat staring out the window as we hear sirens. Mikaela and I turn our attention to Sam. 

"What?" Mikaela asks looking at him.

"It's the same cop!" I turn my head back towards the window just to check. He pulls out from behind cars as he speeds up on us. 

"Block them, block them, block them." Sam says as the 3 of us stare intently at the scene behind us. Ratchet, Ironhide and Optimus pull out in front of the cop car and the Mine clearing truck to block them or at least slow them down so they don't reach us or the cube. Bee starts to drive a little faster when he notices this. That was when the mine truck slammed on its breaks flipping itself into the air as it transforms and starts running towards us. Optimus too transformed slamming on his brakes a little and standing up and skidding to a stop trying as hard as possible not to step on anyone or injure them. His foot did rear end a vehicle though, but from what you could see they were fine. We all watch in fear as the mine clearing vehicle smashes through a bus, cutting it in half. The bus explodes, but it didn't faze the decepticon he just skated faster towards Optimus. Time seemed to slow down as the Mine clearing vehicles leaps towards Optimus tackling him to the ground. They then roll off the interstate going to a ramp below us. Our eyes widen as we see Optimus and the mine clearing vehicle fall. 

"Optimus!" I shout tears welling in my eyes as I felt my heart stop beating for a moment. Bee tunes in 

"He's fine, I promise.." I sniffle a little nodding my head. 'I hope so...No, I believe you. Thank you, Bee.'  

As we pull into the city we make a stop so Lennox can grab some radio's. We pull up a little farther down the road and stop with Lennox's men, Ironhide and Ratchet parked around us. We all get out as Epps makes a call over the radio.

"Raptor, Raptor, do you copy?" We see a black F-22 circling around us. Epps continues to try and have the F-22 respond to us

"We have you visual." 

"Green smoke is the mark. Provide air cover and vectorBlack Hawks for extraction." That's when it dawns on me. 

"Air force doesn't fly that close to buildings." I mutter out, I quickly pull out the semiautomatic on my right hip and grip it tightly as I hear it circle around us. Suddenly Ironhide, Ratchet and Bee transform. 

"It's Starscream!" Ironhide shouts to us. 'A decepticon...Greeeat..I have no training against them!' I mentally shout. Epps hoping Ironhide is wrong says into the talkie

"Please tell me you copy." The smoke clears around us as we see Ironhide and Bee.

"Back up! Take cover! Bumblebee!" Ironhide says as they run off away from us. People begin to run away in fright after seeing the Autobots and people with weapons. We continue to stare at the sky watching the F-22. Bee and Ironhide lift a truck to as a shield to protect us. That's when it dawned on Lennox that, that is not a fighter jet. 

"No, no, no, no, no! Move!" Lennox screams to us as Starscream flies closer towards us. Lennox grabs me pulling me to cover as I hang onto Sam and Mikaela. 

"Back up! Back up!" Ironhide shouts to the people around him. 

"Retreat! Fall back!" Some soldiers shout to each other.  

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