Chapter 3

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Outfit you are wearing.


Once we got back to the house I decided to take a shower and change. Sam wanted to go to some party by the lake. He decided to invite Miles. 'Yay.' I'm not really a fan of Miles. He just hits on me and uh heeeelll nooo. You could get me to do more if you dared me to drink bleach before I would ever consider poking him. I decided to go for a little bit, because I was getting a tattoo from my leg up to my hip. 

You were gonna have the bee tattooed black and yellow with a blue background as if it were water or blue flames

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You were gonna have the bee tattooed black and yellow with a blue background as if it were water or blue flames.

Present time- 

I hop out of the shower and wrap a towel around me and I start to hear mumbling. I realize it's Sam talking to himself, pacing around the room.

"All right, Mojo. I got the car.Now I need the girl." 

"I need money to take out the girlis what I need." I hear him walk over to his computer and hit a few buttons. 'He's checking to see if anyone bought his Grandfather's stuff most likely.'

"Zero bids. Great. Broke." Sam mutters "Maybe y/n has some spare cash?" as he gets up walking over to his desk "Come on, Mojo.You want your pain pills?" I chuckle to myself. 'Boys these days.'   I start to dry off and throw on my clothes running the towel threw my hair with my brush. I start to put on deodorant and perfume. I throw my dirty clothes in the hamper and throw my towel on a hook. 

"All right, I know you get wastedon these things, but if you piss in my bed again,you're sleeping outside. Okay? That's it for today. No more. Crackhead." Sam says as he slides the pain pill into Mojo's mouth. I walk out of the bathroom and laugh at how he talks to the dog. " Geez, can you be any meaner?" I say in between laughs. 

"It's not like you had to sleep in the bed." Sam retorts. 

" True" I say agreeing with him. 'Oh yeah.'  "Here." I say holding out $40. He looks at me and then the money in my hand " Where do you work?" I reply " I don't I dabble in the stock market, I got money. Just take it." He looks at me and says " Thanks." 

I reply with a small smile walking out of his room " No problem, let's go." I walk out to the back and listen to Judy tell Ron "Ron, this one is uneven." 

"Yeah. Probably." 

"This one is wobbly. " Judy says stepping on a piece of 'the path'. I stay on the guided pathway making my way to the Camaro and sit on the trunk watching the 2 of them talk with a content smile on my face. 'Why couldn't they be like this?' I feel my heart beat get slower and tears pricking the corners of my eyes. My smile fades as I remember my family. 'I don't want to go home.'    I start to hear a whirring sound again. 'What is that? It sounds almost sad?' I shake my head and wipe my tears and I see Sam cutting through the grass to get to the car. 

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