3. The sickness

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Most of the times, newlyweds do not stop talking about their honeymoon. They keep posting the honeymoon photos, they gush about how cool their vacation was, the places they saw, how romantic it was etc. But unfortunately for you, this was not the case.

Finally home you fall face first on the couch, trying to relax your aching limbs. Suddenly you feel something heavy collapsing on you

"It feels so good to be finally home"

"Hey, no collapsing on the pregnant lady" you try to squirm out from under your dork of a husband. Harrison laughs, sitting up, pulling you with him; you put your head on his shoulder and wrap your arm around his waist, thanking the stars that you found the best guy on this planet.

Most of your honeymoon was spent in the bathroom of the resort you guys were staying in. Haz had gone all out, renting rooms in a beautiful resort in Italy. It was breathtaking, romantic, and perfect for spending your honeymoon in, only if you were not suffering from morning sickness.

For you however, it was like an all time sickness. You guys mostly spent your time in the bathroom, you throwing up while he tried to calm you by drawing soothing circles on your back, holding your hair away from your face. After a point you guys just started staying there since you were throwing up every 30 minutes or so. Harrison was getting so worried, he felt helpless seeing you wrenching your gut out. You felt guilty that he had planned a beautiful vacation and you were ruining it. Sensing that you were both miserable, Haz decided on cutting the trip short. "We can always come back. Right now, we should go home." He assured you when you protested. So now, instead of enjoying the sun on some Mediterranean beach, you guys were back, laying on your living room couch.

"I'm really sorry" you say for the hundredth time. "I kind of ruined the honeymoon"

"Will you shut up?" Haz says affectionately, making you look up at him. "It's not your fault. You have morning sickness, it's natural. And I told you we can go back after we have the baby." He kisses your head. "It is not your fault, so stop apologizing for it." He suddenly pulls you off the couch, "come on, let's change and get into comfortable clothes and then just get something to eat."

At the mention of food, you started feeling sick again. But you were hungry too, so you nod your head; let him pull you into your room.

After showering and getting into comfier clothes, you guys stare at the dilemma of deciding what to eat. After thinking a lot about it, you say "toast"


"Yepp, toast. It's the only thing I can think of. It has no flavour, no taste, no smell. It won't make me throw up!" you smile, satisfied with your analytical thinking.

"Okay," Harrison laughs. He was thinking something along the lines of pizza, but if you want toast, then he will make you toast.

Toasts have never seemed so delicious to you. It probably had something to do with the fact that you ate minimum amount of food, because you didn't want to throw up. Haz had frowned upon it, but he hated seeing you kneeling on the bathroom floor, throwing up. So he didn't say anything. But now that you were eating again, he felt good.

You were so happy that you found a morning sickness hack. Eat something bland and with no flavour, and bam, no throwing up. But boy were you wrong.

Waking up in the middle of the night and rushing to the bathroom proved that your theory was not effective. Seconds after you started throwing up, Haz was there, having a week's worth of practice he pulled your hair out of your face and started rubbing circles on your back, while you regretted eating so much toast. When you were done, you felt like someone had rubbed sandpaper inside your throat. You were dizzy, nauseated, hungry, felt like throwing up again; in brief you felt miserable.

You collapse against Haz, having done with the first round of sickness. You knew there were many more to come, and just thinking about it made you start crying. Harrison gently pulled you up from the ground, made sure you brushed your teeth before picking you up and putting you down on bed. Once you were under the covers, he got in, pulling you into him, all the while you kept crying.

He really didn't know what to do. He had no experience with this. He couldn't call his mom, or yours because you still haven't informed them. You did have an appointment with the doctor over the weekend, but he didn't know if he should wait until then. You were sick, you were barely eating, which everyone knows is not good for someone pregnant. He felt so lost.

You woke up in the morning feeling a little better than the rest of the mornings, but as soon as you saw Harrison was not beside you on the bed, you started to worry. Checking your phone you saw it was almost 11 am, and as you were about to call him, you heard the front door close.

He came in with a few stuff, mostly crackers and water, your standard breakfast these days.

"Where did you go?"

"I went to the doctor's office, they moved our appointment up, and it's this evening." He handed you the crackers and water, before hugging you. "Honestly, I can't see you get so sick, and last night i felt so lost, with you crying and everything, so I called them, but they won't do anything about moving up our appointment, so I had to go there in person and charm the secretary a little" he winked at you making you laugh.

"And that worked?" you ask, opening the pack and taking a cracker out. "I mean, the lady knows that the whole reason you have an appointment with an OB-GYN is because you are about to be a father and are off the market, right?"

"Baby girl, no one can say no to these blues." He emphasized the word blues, gesturing at his eyes, making you snort out in laughter.

In the evening you go on to the doctor's office. Harrison badgers her with various questions about your sickness and what you can and cannot eat and whether you should be in bed rest already. You were scared that the lady will get irritated, but were surprised when she only laughed.

"Young man, she is fine." She laughed. "Some women have a more intense problem of morning sickness, but that is nothing to be worried about. It will be gone in a few months. And you," she turns to you, "just because you are throwing up doesn't mean you stop eating. Just stick to the basic things, and remember that you are not eating for only yourself now." With that, she prescribes the meds you need and shooes you out good naturedly, with another fixed appointment within next four weeks.

"I like her." You say suddenly, when driving to your house. Haz looks at you, puzzled. "I mean the doctor." You explain, "she is nice, relaxed and everything. If it were anyone else they'd probably kick you out for asking too many questions."

"Hey, I'm just worried." He says.

"I know baby. But there is nothing to do. You heard her. We just have to brave through it." You say, deciding to embrace the problem at hand. It was only a few months. All you two had to do was wait.

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