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The play

You didn't want to like him.
It wasn't something you controlled. If you had the choice you would much rather have Will poulter as your crush. At least you would have no chance of being rejected. I mean seriously everyone knows he likes you.
But nooo fate is a bitch. It couldn't be Karma because you have always been a good kid. So I guess it was Fate. Just fate that your life is shit.
You like Thomas Brodie Sangster.
The heartthrob of the school. EVERYONE likes him.
Or if not him, the rest of the gang.
Dylan O'Brien
Ki Hong Lee
Kaya scodelario
And Will your best friend.
Dex was also buddies with them.

You would much rather like Ki Hong Lee as that way you would know you had no chance for he has a girlfriend and is a very loyal person.
But nooo you liked Thomas. The boy who flirts with you one minute and ignores you the next.
He was a very nice person. Just not to your heart.

He strutted past you in the hall with a cigarette hanging limply from him lips and leather jacket, positively tight. Only stopping to wink at you.
Dylan followed suit with a new girl clinging to him.
Ki Hong was with his girlfriend in the janitors closet.
Will was with you. So was Dexter.

"Jeez just because he smokes and has a motorbike doesn't mean he is cool." Will complained to you.
"I smoke. You don't see anyone fawning over me"
He added on causing you to giggle.

"Will, love, you smoked one cigarette and coughed violently for ten whole minutes. You then vomited and refused to come to school for three days." You explained, holding down a laugh.
He huffed before turning his attention to his locker. You rolled your eyes at his childish attitude but did the same.

First period.
The freaky teachers own play.You are the female love interest and guess who is The male.
Yup Thomas fucking Sangster.
You were acting out a scene.
With a twist.

"Now students, as there appears to be quite a bit of Chemistry between miss L/N and Mr Sangster, we will have them kiss."
The whole class wolf whistled at this and Thomas and you blushed.
"I shall give you Time to prepare. You may also have the dressing rooms to practice."
With that the strange teacher left the room.

With the class gone, you lapsed into an awkward silence with Thomas.
You picked up the script and read.
A couple minutes later you had finished, looking up from your script you saw Thomas with his eyes brows creased in both frustration and confusion.
He noticed your staring and looked up, meeting your eyes. A pink blush dusted his cheeks as he asked, "Can you help me read the script?"
You complied and for most of the lesson you smoked, laughed and practiced the entire scene, except for the kiss.
He made you swear not to tell anyone about his mild dyslexia and whatever was said in the room stayed In the room.
You found out Thomas was still a virgin and was actually very self conscious.
He found out You had self esteem issues and get annoyed at Will and his flirting.

Eventually you had to go out and act the scene.

"My Darling Cassidy if only life was this simple. We would be together forever but it is not.
We could never be together. We are far to different. I am far to different. I'm sorry."
He said with an alluring deep voice, Turning his head away from you.

"Please My Prince. Just once. Please can we try?
You don't know what could happen."
You persuaded stepping into his line of view onto your tiptoes.
He tried to turn his head once more but you stopped him. By crashing your lips onto his.
He froze up but eventually melted into it.
Gaining control. His hands on your hips and yours in his hair.

You heard a faint round of applause but paid no notice. It was only until someone pushed Thomas away from you did you notice your audience.
You felt a glare biting your head and saw Will giving you the evils.
Everyone was congratulating you. Apart from your best friend.
You rushed out of the room and back into the dressing room to change back into your school clothes.
After you changed the door opened and there stood a shell shocked and bruised Thomas. He evidently didn't notice you for he broke down into tears as soon as the door shut.
You slowly inched forward before reaching him and wrapping your arms around him.
Thomas slightly jumped but he realised it was you and sunk into your embrace.

No words were spoken.
No words were needed.
Just comfort.

"Where are you? You little pussy!" Wills pounding voice came through the door just before he did. He had bloodied knuckles and a stony face.
"Y/N? Move! Now!" He growled in your face as you covered Thomas.
"Fuck off Will." You yelled in the hopes of attracting some attention to the events taking place.
Your prayers were answered as Ki Hong and Dylan stormed in a grabbed Will and started beating him up.
As this was happening you sorted Thomas out.

Until a teacher came in.

Time skip to after school detention

You didn't understand why Will did it. But that didn't matter as you were forced into an after school detention. Well shit.
You were cleaning the blood out of the carpet with Thomas and Dylan because Ki Hong wouldn't be as tempted to hit Will as Dylan. So Ki Hong was stuck with Will sorting out the dress up clothes. Poor Ki Hong.
Dylan had a black eye but Thomas has a cut lip, black eye and bleeding nose.
You guys scrubbed and scrubbed but the blood wouldn't come out.
Bleach can do it!

You eventually got so losses off you started crying.
"My Dearest Cassidy. What upsets you? I agreed to try this 'love' thing. Does that not satisfy you?"
You heard Thomas say from behind me. Wrapping his arms around your waist.
It was the next scene from the play.
"I am Satisfied My Prince. I just feel like you are not. You never seen happy anymore My Lord."
You replied in perfect character instantly. Moving out of his arms.

"I am over the moon Dearest. For I am closer to the most beautiful woman in the universe than I ever thought I could be." He replied with a charismatic smile on his face and moving his hands to your hips.
My tears ceased and a blush started growing on your face.
"Thank you My Prince." You whispered, moving your face closer to his.
Closer still.

"My Prince! Your Father requires you in the dinner hall. Hello my Princess."
Thanks Dylan for carrying on the scene.
We both looked to Dylan to see him smirking with a teacher in the doorway.

To think all this friendship started with the play.

Brooke wrote this. It is a high school AU

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