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Midnight kiss

You groaned and flopped down on your sofa.
It was Your brothers birthday and you couldn't deal with everybody's shit and saying crap like 'Happy Birthday Aaron. I will be anyone for you!' it just pissed you off to hell and back. Like seriously if you feel like you have to change THEN FUCKING CHANGE!! DON'T FUCKING CHANGE FOR SOMEONE!

The thing what annoyed you most on his birthday was the fact that it was 'mandatory' to kiss someone when the clock hits 00:00.
Otherwise, you would be seen as a major problem.
Most people end up shagging that night.
Not you though. Sure you had lost your virginity, I mean you were eighteen. You were reckless. But still, it was a fun night.

"Y/N? Y/N? WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!" A yell from your brother rang through your house.
"Y/N JOHNSON IF YOU DONT GET YOUR LAZY ARSE HERE I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Aaron yelled again, stomping into the living room.
"Ahh now Y/N just wondering. You are going to my birthday party Thomas is putting on right?!" it was more of a statement than an actual question.

Aaron was starting in the coming of age film 'Nowhere Boy' and you featured on it. Aaron was playing John Lennon and you were playing Anjie Jackobs (Made Up) Paul McCartney's girlfriend.
Which meant you and Thomas would have to kiss.

You and Thomas were great friends, you clicked immediately, what of course brought great annoyance to Aaron.
However, despite the friendship, you had with Thomas you started to feel something more. Something more than friends.

You found yourself focusing on him more. Noticing the little details. Not stuff like how he frowns a lot, stuff like how his right eye twitches when he lies and how he rubs his joints on his fingers when he was nervous.
You knew his exact scent (Cigarettes, Cologne and Tea) and his timetable.

These are not things you intended to pick up but it happened.
You found your eyes drifting to him while you were filming.

Both you and Thomas had been putting it off for three days so you were not surprised when you were given the scene today. Your first kissing scene.

"You can do it Paul. Be a big boy. And maybe you might get a treat tonight." You winked Flirtatiously in character.
Thomas immediately blushed. You couldn't tell if that was in character or not.
"But babygirl what if they don't like me." He was on the verge or tears. He looked genuinely scared.
You walked towards him and put your hands on his arm, slowly rubbing up and down.
"They're gonna love you babe. I mean who doesn't" You saw a smile light up his face.

He grabbed your hands and put them around his neck while he placed his on your hips, slowly dancing to no music.

"I'm scared" he muttered placing his forehead on yours. This wasn't in the script but you felt yourself nod along.
His nose was on yours by now. His lips only a small distance away. His eyes bore into yours and you saw love in them.
You moved forward and smashed your lips onto his.
Your mind was reeling and your body was on fire.
You didn't realise how much you needed him until you had a small part of him.
It is like being starved and then having a plate of food in front of you only to be told you can have a mouthful.

His tongue invaded your mouth and you tugged on his hair causing him to groan.
The directors told you to stop ages ago.
Did that stop you?
Although you both needed air (and each other) so you split apart.

"FINALLY I THOUGHT YOU TWO WERE GONNA SHAG THERE" you heard the Director say, causing you and Thomas to blush.

"Wanna go outside and smoke," Thomas asked causing a grin to overtake your face.

That night at party

You were sat down on your arse reading a book. Everybody else around you was dancing and grinding on people but you, however, was reading a book, the maze runner to be precise.

"Y/N what are you doing just reading? Come on dance with me." Thomas came up to you at exactly 11:58 giving two minutes until the 'mandatory kiss' that Aaron made up. You knew what he was doing. If he got you to dance he would kiss you.
So naturally, you took his outstretched hand and he turned you so your arse was on him.
His hands roamed your waist and yours grabbed his hair as you ground on him.

Thomas turned you around
Thomas leant down
Thomas's grip on your waist tightened
Thomas's nose was on yours
You both released a breath
You kissed him

Roughly and fast. His hands all over you and yours tugging his hair releasing groan after groan from him.
He pushed you to his staircase and you tripped.
Giggling slightly you led him upstairs.

I think we know what happened next.

The next morning

A girl and a boy both lay in bed. Wide awake. Butt arse naked. Both hoping the other was to drunk to remember the previous night, however, both of them were very much sober and enjoyed every second.
Sure they had both wanted to do it since forever but that doesn't mean doing it while you think the other is drunk. They were both embarrassed to face each other.
That is how they ended up asleep curled in each other's arms in the middle of the day.

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