~ 5 ~ Homecoming | Part 1 ~ A ~

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Y/n's POV
I walked down the hall and towards my locker. I put some things inside and looked at the pictures I had in my locker. My best friends were there. I sighed.

Homecoming was coming up and both of them have got dates, but nobody's asked me yet. I'm disappointed, because I wanted a special someone to ask me.

I closed my locker and saw someone standing behind it. I screamed.

"Dylan, what the fuck?"I asked, putting my hand on my heart.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, didn't meant to startle you,"Dylan said.

"It's fine, I guess,"I said and stood straighter."So, what do you need?"I asked.

"Well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to Homecoming with me?"he asked. My eyes widened.

Thomas's POV
I walked towards her locker, repeating the question in my head over and over again and holding the rose in my hand.

I reached the corner and saw her there, talking with Dylan. I hid behind the wall and listened.

"It's fine, I guess,"Y/n said."So, what do you need?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to Homecoming with me?"he asked.

My heart fell. I didn't need to hear anymore, I knew she'll agree. I walked back to where I came from, towards my classroom. On the way there, I saw Kaya. I looked at the rose I was holding and then at her again.

Here goes nothing.

I walked up to her and stood in front of her. She looked from her friend and at me.

"Hey, umm...Kaya? Can we talk?"I asked, hiding the rose behind my back.

"Yeah, sure,"she said and her friend walked away."What's up?"she asked.

"I wanted to ask,"I said and took the rose out."Will you come to Homecoming with me?"I asked.

"Oh! Um...yes. Yeah, sure, Thomas!"she said and took the rose from me.

I smiled."Great!"I said.

Y/n's POV
"Umm...I'm sorry Dylan, but I'm waiting for someone else to ask me,"I told him.

"Oh! It's fine!"Dylan said and walked away,"See you later!"he said and then he was gone.

I walked towards my classroom, when I saw Kaya and Thomas. All of the sudden, Thomas took out a rose and gave it to her. My heart sank. I heard her agreeing to something. To Homecoming. My heart sank. I was so angry at Kaya right now. She knew about my crush on Thomas. She betrayed me.

I walked away, towards the bathrooms and stood there, sobbing, until lunch came over. I collected myself and walked towards where I know Dylan and his friends sit. I entered the canteen and saw him. Thomas was there too. I decided to ignore that fact and walked up to them.

"Hey, Dyl,"I said and all of them looked at me, Thomas especially, but I ignored him."Does the offer still stands?"I asked. Please say yes, please say yes...

"Yeah, of course!"Dylan said.

"Great! Then yes, I will come to Homecoming with you,"I told him. Thomas's eyes went wide, while Dylan smiled.

Thomas's POV
I'm such an idiot, I wanna kick myself right now. She said no. She said no to Dylan the first time, I still had my chance, but not anymore.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster you're a bloody idiot. From all the stupid things you've done, this was the cherry on top.

I coached and excused myself, then walked out of the canteen. I felt eyes following me, but I ignored them.

I blew up my chance.

Y/n's POV
Thomas actually looked disappointed. Why? He got Kaya, the Betrayer. He asked her, not me. So why did he look so angry that I agreed to go with Dylan? What's his deal?

Ugh, boys.

That's it for now. There will be a part two! Also, thank you guys for 200+ reads! I can't believe we've got so much, since we're a new account and all, but thank you, really!!!❤️❤️❤️


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