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Never alone.

People say that Alby was the first one up into the Glade. That information is wrong. No idea where these people got their information but Alby did not spend a month in the Glade alone because you were there.
Everyone just seems to forget you but never really forget you.
People don't think anything of you. You're just another glader. You blend in.
Most of the time that just sucks, but it has its advantages. Meaning if Gally is picking on you, everyone else backs you up.
However you are not second in command, that's Newts job.

You had an unspoken rivalry with Newt and no one understood why. Except for you and him.
It started with glares and sneers. Then rude comments and now every month you fight. During the bonfire, obviously. Recently though Newt has been a bit weaker. Not understanding why, you made the decision to approach Newt. A horrible decision really.

It was a bonfire and everyone was getting used to your annual fighting. Except for Alby. He hates it. His baby sister fighting his second in command.
(Oh yeah by the way you are Albys little sister)
Everyone else loved it.
You walked-well strutted- over to Newt and the Greenie, trying to keep your cool in front of your lifelong crush. Or at least as much as you remember. His eyes immediately locked on to your own and his face hardened.
"Y/N. What do you want?" He questioned his eyes flickering to the Greenie. Meaning no arguments in front of him.
"I was coming to ask the greenie something Newt." You explained innocently.
Newt put his hands out, as in showing you something.

"Well, the greenie is here. Knock yourself out." He said sarcastically.
"Ohhh okay." You hissed then redirected your attention to the Greenie. "Is Newt telling you that Alby was the first person up in the box?" The Greenie nodded enthusiastically.
"Well let me tell you something. He is lying. I came up with Alby. He wasn't alone. No one has ever been alone. Always in pairs." You hissed glaring at Newt.
"He just blames me for Nick." You added in a smaller voice so only Newt heard.
You had tears in your eyes as you walked away.
Away from Newt.
Away from everything.
The Gladers could go one night without yours and Newts fight.

It was true. Newt blamed you for Nick.

Freaky flashback shit

"Is it true?" You yelled slamming your hands on the table. "Can you get us out of this Shithole?" You persisted.
Nick shrugged his shoulders. He was going to jump down the box.
"I may find a way out. Better than sitting here rotting." He replied, his trademark smirk vanished.
Alby walked into the room with a grin plastered on his face.
"Nick everyone has said yes. Except for Newt but he is in the maze." Alby practically squealed.
You yelled for joy and brought your brother and best friend in for a hug.
It was your idea that could get everyone out.

Nick was very far down the box when you heard blades. Then the box coming up again.

"What's all the fuss?" An out of breath Newt questioned, jogging over.
"N/N what happened?" He persisted. Just as he asked that the box came up, and what was inside would scar you forever. Nick was cut in half. Straight through the middle.

You broke down. Screamed. It was your idea that did this.

Present motherfucking time

You were sitting in 'your' tree, crying. That so-called talk had brought up tonnes of bad memories.
The dark ages, Nick and being alone.
You are always alone.
Always. You have friends, so why do you feel so alone?

"N/N where are you? Seriously Newt and the others are klunking themselves with anticipation out here little sister." Alby called out, trying to find you.
But he wouldn't, ever, for if you don't want to be found, you won't.
However, Newt always seemed to find you. Always. He helped sometimes.
Well. He used to. Not anymore.
He just ignores you now.
It has only been a few days but the anger and sadness of Nicks passing still haunt everyone.
Even Chuck who didn't know him.

You were lost in a void of self-pity until someone joined you in 'your' tree. You didn't look up to see who it was.
"Listen, love, I know we ain't the best of friends but please don't cry. You know I hate it. I always have."
That voice was so familiar. You'd recognize it from anywhere.
Newt. Your Newt. Not the cold shut off Newt. The Newt that you were best friends with.
You immediately turned around and buried your face in his neck. Continuously mumbling about how you missed and love him. He ran his hands through your hair, successfully calming you down.

After you had calmed down and your sobs had ceased to snuffles you removed your head from Newts neck and studied his face. He looked different. Bags under his eyes, hair messy and not brushed. He looked scruffy.
But then again you didn't look all that good either.

You both embraced again. This time however wasn't about comforting the sorrow of Nicks loss, it was about comforting each other as a way of saying 'im here'
It worked. You'd missed Newt. More than words can describe.
His lips were on your temple, kissing it as if to sooth your feeling a tad bit more.
Eventually you both had to pull away again.
However you were almost instantly brought back to him. Only this time to his lips.
You sat there in shock before responding.
Kissing him slowly.
It wouldn't be over for a long time.
Eventually you both needed to breath so you pulled away only to be brought back into a much rougher kiss.
Teeth and tongue clashing.
Hands everywhere.
But enjoyable.

You were no longer alone. You had Newt.

"Its okay my love. You were NEVER ALONE"

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