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Day 2

Grimmjow wakes up to twin cries in the middle of the night and groans as he sat up quickly.

He looks down next to him and notices the twins crying, not knowing what was wrong, Grimmjow just stared at them for a while before pulling his hair in different directions because of the unbearable wailing.

"Grimmjow. I suggest you feed the creatures before they die of starvation." Ulquiorra says as he opens the door with a bang.

"Oh... That's what was wrong... What do I feed them then?" Grimmjow asks, too tired to properly yell at the children or Ulquiorra.

"Human food." He replies.

"What do humans eat?" Grimmjow asks.

"Ask Szayel. He should still be awake because he is finding an antidote to reverting whatever you did to the two." Ulquiorra says and walks back to his own room again.

Grimmjow sighs and picks the two crying babies up, rocking the two to distract them for a bit as he goes to find the mad scientist.

Finding the right door, Grimmjow kicks the door repeatedly.

"Okay! I get it! Stop!" Szayel yells as he thrusts the door open.

"What do human babies eat?" Grimmjow asks.

Szayel sighs and pushes Grimmjow inside the lab.

Szayel then grabs 2 weirdly shaped bottles with a white substance in them and places them onto the table.

"This is a substance that is full of the necessary ingredients for human children, the humans call it milk. Human babies who are just born only drink this because they have not yet grown teeth to eat properly. At a certain age the human babies will grow there first teeth, they will start to eat more solid foods. For now just give them this to drink and they'll stop crying." Szayel says, pushing the two bottles forward.

Grimmjow stares at the bottles before piking one up and then picking up Shiro.

He then supports Shiro's head before pressing the top of the weird bottle to his mouth.

Shiro drinks happily and finishes in no time.

"Don't forget to burp him." Szayel says.

"Burp him?" Grimmjow asks.

"Human babies sometimes drink too fast and air bubbles get trapped in their stomach, causing unbearable discomfort. They need to get that air out and the best way to do that without harming him is to make him burp." Szayel explains.

Grimmjow gives him a 'How the hell do you do that?' look.

"Place a cloth over your shoulder and lean his head there, pat his back gently until he burps." Szayel explains.

Grimmjow does exactly as he was told and placed the now sleepy Shiro down onto a comfy couch.

Grabbing Ichigo for his meal, Grimmjow repeats what he did to Shiro.

"While you're here. I'll give them the antidote. I completed it just before you arrived." The pink haired scientist says as he brings out two needles.

The babies that Grimmjow had just picked up, cried and squirmed around in the Sexta's grasp as they saw something sharp and dangerous looking.

"Great! They were just about to fall asleep!" Grimmjow glares at Szayel.

"Hold them still. It shouldn't hurt. It's instinct to move away something that either looks like it hurts or can potentially hurt you." Szayel says as he injects the children.

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