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The twins hide under the mountain of pillows that Starrk sleeps on and curl up into balls, still worried about their father.

They hear Starrk walk back into his room because he had left to check on the Sexta.

"Ichigo. Shiro. Where are you two hiding?" Starrk calls out lazily.

"We'll only come out if you take us to Daddy!" The twins scowl.

They hear Starrk sigh.

"You know I'm not allowed to. Why don't you two play with Lilynette?" Starrk asks.


Starrk sighs again.

"Very well. I'll just sleep then. Don't go causing trouble." Starrk says and plops on top of couch (He found out that the twins were in his favourite sleeping spot so he doesn't want to crush them).

The twins remain silent.

"Lilynette. Make sure the twins don't go outside." Starrk drawls as he's already half asleep.

"Haaai~" Lilynette pouts from the carpet, playing with sand.

Starrk falls asleep instantly and the twin's use this chance to find their Uncle Szayel. After all, wherever their Uncle Szayel is right now, their Daddy is sure to be there because their Daddy needs to be healed.

They make sure to find a way to trick Lilynette first though.

They both agree to give her some candy they had gotten from Yuzu-nee-chan to bribe her into letting them go.

They nod and crawl out of the mountain of pillows.

"Where do you two think you're going?" Lilynette asks.

"We'll give you these so just let us go." Ichigo says holding out the candy.

Lilynette lights up.

"Candy?! Where'd you get it?! Starrk never lets me eat candy! Okay deal!" She exclaims happily and takes the candy, pretending she never saw the twins.

The twins run out the door and high five each other.

"Now, let's go and find Daddy." Shiro says.

Ichigo nods and they both run some the hallway.

"Hm? Aren't you two suppose to be with your uncle Starrk?" Nnoitara asks as he stops the twins by grabbing the back of their Shihakushou.

The twins scowl.

"Let us go!" They yell.

"Where are you two going?" Nnoitara asks, lifting the twins up to his face.

"We're going to none-of-your-business!" Shiro glares.

"Yea! Let us go Uncle Nnoi!" Ichigo squirms.

"I see you've picked up your father's habit of bad mouthing." Nnoitara twitch's in annoyance.

The twins blew raspberry's at Nnoitara's face and he yelps as he drops the twins.

"Fine fine! Just go before I hurt you!" Nnoitara yells, rubbing his face.

The twins giggle and run off.

"Uncle Szayel! Uncle Szayel!" The twins pound on his door.

Inside the lab.

Szayel sighs as he drops a liquid on Grimmjow.

Grimmjow hisses before exhaling once more as his injury heals faster.

Szayel raises an eyebrow at the Sexta.

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