12 (Epilogue)

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"ICHIGO! SHIRO!" A loud yell could be heard as the Soutaichou hit the ground with his staff heavily.

The twins, who stopped aging at age 18 and is currently hiding in the ceiling, snickered.

What did they do? Well.

-5 hours ago-

"I'm so bored~ Shi-nii let's blow something up." Ichigo whines to his brother.

"Ohh I've just got a better idea." Shiro grins evilly.

"Ohh, I like that idea." Ichigo grins back as he reads his brothers mind.

Ichigo and Shiro prepare a few paint buckets at the 6th division.

They both started working on the best art of the year.

They then moved onto the other divisions.

"Ichigo. Shiro. What are you two doing?" They ran into their dad.

"D-Dad! Well... Umm... We we're just visiting Uncle Aizen!" Ichigo lies.

"Yea! And we wanted to do some painting with him!" Shiro nods.

"Painting? With that much paint?" Grimmjow stares at them unimpressed.

"Yep! After all, we're going to be painting with a huge canvas!" Ichigo says, Shiro nodding along.

"And you won't get in some trouble?" Grimmjow asks with his eyebrow raised.

"No of course not!"

"We'd never!" Shiro gasps with an 'innocent' face.

If Grimmjow didn't know his son's, he would've believed them right away with the innocent aura around them. However, he did know his son's so what there saying could be a blatant lie.

"I'm trusting you two. Don't get in some trouble." Grimmjow says.

"Of course! Whatever you say Dad!" They salute and run off.

They splattered paint all over Soul society and even left some paintings of people with the biggest and brightest smiles ever known to man kind.

Now that looked hilarious!

Imagine Byakuya with the brightest smile.

Yes, now imagine Ukitake and Kyouraku with the funniest faces you could imagine.

Yep! And now imagine all of the captains and lutenients as meme's.

That was picture perfect! Well... Almost perfect. There's still one more place to visit.

"Perfect?" Ichigo asks as he finishes the final touches to his Soifon Meme.

"Perfect. Now let's go to Jii-san." Shiro chuckles.

Ichigo and Shiro made there way towards the 1st division, happily leaving splotches of paint everywhere.

The by passing Shinigami who were watching this just watched in amusement, already use to the twins behaviour on boring days, which was almost everyday.

"Jii-san's gonna yell." Ichigo giggles.

"That's what I like to hear."

They both enter the division slowly and pour the remaining paint on the walls and floors of the meeting room.

The eventually drew a large painting of the Soutaichou on the floor, smiling widely.

They both decided to conceal their Reiatsu and hid in the ceiling, waiting for everyone to notice.

Of course, since the Soutaichou came in early, he was the first to discover the little... Ahem... Gift they left.

They both snickered as he came in and his eyes were wide open in shock, because who dared to prank the Soutaichou? Not many people. Actually, no one at all really.

The twins both took pictures of their grandfather for blackmail material and high-fived each other.

-Present time-

"ICHIGO! SHIRO!" Was the Soutaichou's immediate response, waking up the rest of soul society.

The Soutaichou could hear them now, laughing at his face, hiding somewhere in the room, snapping photos of his enraged face.

"COME HERE RIGHT NOW YOU BRATS!" He yells quite loudly for a person his age.

The door to the room opens quickly.

"S-Soutaichou! There's an emergency!" The 1st divisions Fukutaichou, Choujirou-san enters the room.

"Emergency you say." The Soutaichou asks with his barely concealed anger.

Choujirou looks around at the paint and groans.

"It happened here too?" He asks.

"Report." The Soutaichou says.

"Well. All the Division's are currently in a... Messy situation. They've all woken up to their divisions covered in paint and drawings of all the captains and lutenients smiling..."

"I see." The Soutaichou twitches.

"You think he's angry?" Shiro asks with a grin.

"Angry? He's fricking pissed!" Ichigo smirks.

The door opens and all the captains and lutenients walk in as diligently as they can. Even Grimmjow walks in.

"I apologise for what they've done. They had promised me they wouldn't do anything to get in trouble." Grimmjow twitches in irritation.

"It is fine." The Soutaichou gives up and huff's.

"I'll get them." Grimmjow says.

"Please." The captains all say in sync.

Grimmjow sniffs the air discreetly and Sonido's to the giggling twins.

He grabs the backs of the twins Shihakushou's and pulls them down to the floor.

They hit the floor with a thud.


"You both said you weren't up to anything." Grimmjow cracks his knuckles.

"But we were bored!" Ichigo whines.

"And we didn't get in some trouble!"

Grimmjow gestures to the angry looking captains and lutenients.

"Yea. We got in a lot of trouble. There's a difference Dad." Ichigo pouts.

Grimmjow twitch's again.

"We just thought that soul society was too plain." Shiro pouts.

"That does not mean you are to vandalize the walls of the barracks." Their Jii-san says.

"We did the floor too." They both huff.

"Why not let them off? It didn't cause any harm." Aizen steps forward with a sweatdrop.

"Uncle Aizen's the best!" The twins cheer.

Grimmjow sighs. "Fine. But. They have to clean everything up."

"What?!?!" The twins cry.

"It's only fair." The captains nod.


The Soutaichou sighs at the nearly daily pranks the twins have decided to start since a couple of years ago. He should've expected these things.

The Soutaichou remembers back to when his grandchildren had infiltrated soul society the first time.

Good times...

"Ahhh!! Ichigo! Shiro!"

Looks like the twins are livening things up again.

"Ichigo!! Shiro!! In here now!" The Soutaichou yells.

"Ahhh!! It's Jii-san! Run!"

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