chapter 24

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~dan’s pov~

The morning has been alright so far. No one has bothered me and I am happy for that.  I’m tired as hell though.  It’s the last lesson before lunch and I am slowly dozing off while the teacher babbles about something. I make a plan about how I am going to spend the break as I obviously have to avoid Paul. I guess I’ll have to rush, get food, and hide in the music room. I could practice for the competition and maybe some of the guys could join me here, I don’t really like being alone lately.

The bell rings. Waking me from my daydreams. I grab my bag and hurry to the canteen to get some lunch. I look around nervously while waiting in line for my food. Someone tall bumps into me and I shriek, afraid it’s Paul. All the tough talk/thoughts about revenge are suddenly gone with the wind and I remain here, terrified. “look where you’re going freak.” The guy shouts at me before walking off. I look at him and see that it isn’t Paul. I let out the breath I was holding in and act like nothing happened. I still have 2 people in front of me. I sigh and look around. Searching for the guys, but I don’t see them anywhere.

Finally it’s my turn and I quickly turn around to walk away when I have my lunch. I almost run off and just as I am at the doors I feel myself bump into someone again. I was so close. I curse as I land on the floor and hit my head.

~kyla’s pov~

I. Am. Bored. Senseless.

I can’t really sleep because I constantly rip out tubes accidentally in my sleep. And the cast is heavy and uncomfortable. The only good part to this is that I’ll miss the last few days of school. Dan’s parents managed to convince the school that I don’t need to re-do the whole school year even though I missed lots of days.

I mess around for a bit until Jack, my nurse, walks in. I might or might not have called him in a few times for replacing some tube that came off because I was walking around. “did I lose a tube again?” I say while inspecting my arms. “nope, Just checking in on my favorite patient. That and I know you are bored to death right now and it’s my lunch beak so come with me. I’ve got a surprise.” He says excitedly. He Walks out and returns with a wheelchair and a childish grin. I walk around for a bit but I still can’t walk around for normal distances. I smile and sit down in the chair. Jack starts fussing with my tubes and wires and I give him a weird look. “are you going to kidnap me or something?” he laughs and explains “I got permission to un-hook you for an hour, you’ll live, don’t worry. And, nope. I’m not kidnapping you, we’re not even really leaving the hospital”

Jack is rolling me through the hallways and we suddenly stop in a abandoned hallway.  It looks like no one has been here in years. Then my eyes land on another wheelchair at the beginning of a long empty hallway. “what’s this?” I frown. Jack pulls a ‘guess’ face but knows I won’t reply to it. “I think you already know what this is…  A wheelchair race!” he looked as excited as a small child and it was contagious. I quickly roll to where Jack jumped in his chair. And when we were next to each other we counted down from 3 and raced to the end of the hall and back, sabotaging each other and laughing. “I won! Haha” I triomphantically shout “no you didn’t I demand revenge!” jack shouts back.

 We joke and play around for about an hour and Jack brings me back. I am completely knackered and fall asleep before Jack even finished re-attaching all my tubes and wires. It’s 1 o’clock when I wake up again. Still school… but isn’t it lunch break?  I reach for my phone and think of who to dial. Dan won’t give me an honest answer of if he is doing alright… I will call Ralph first and then Dan. It takes a few seconds for Ralph to pick up.

Ralph: hey Ky how are you? Bored I guess?

Kyla: haha yeah, just had a wheelchair race which was ace! How are you?

Ralph: I’m good…

Kyla: something’s wrong I feel it, what are you not telling me?

Ralph: nothing! Really… well. Okay I saw Dan had a knife in his bag today and I am little worried. He might be looking for some kind of revenge but this is so not like him. I’ve never seen him like this. He is up to something foolish, I feel it. But don’t worry I will take care of it, it might be nothing. I’ll call you back soon, oh Kate is walking to me, I have to go bye!

 He just hung up on me… I am worried.

~dan’s pov~

“what?! Smith boy? Haha I thought you would be too scared to return here after what happened to your girl? Speaking of her, How is our lovely Kyla doing? Still bleeding like she was last time I saw her?” “you fucking BASTARD!” I scream and try to hit him but he just laughs and pushes me back. Paul reaches for my bag and empties it above my head. Books rain down on my head like bricks and at last something silvery falls out. My pocketknife.  A large crowd of students is circled around us. And people whisper, “what’s that metal thing?” “poor dan, he never did anything wrong” “Im happy this isn’t me” “where are the teachers?”

”wait, is that a knife??”

The last whisper made everyone gasp. All day I had been blissfully unaware of my knife in my bag. But oh, not now.

~Kate’s pov. (Ralph’s girlfriend/ Kyla’s friend)~

I am sitting at the edge of the canteen when I hear a fuss. People start to stand up and look at the “fight”. I stand up to see who it is and I know my face grows pale when I see Paul, and Dan. I look for another second and see Dan scramble towards a knife that is laid attractively on the floor next to his bag. I need to find Ralph, he might be able to do something.

I walk outside to where I had last seen him, calling Kyla. He is still standing there, frowning, looking worried. I run to him and ,out of breath, say: “Dan…Paul… fight. Dan has … knife. Go now!”  I am still catching my breath from the sudden exercise when I see Ralph disappear behind the doors.

I feel like this is going to end badly.


Hey, new chapter for you. I was planning to include the part where Ralph enters the fight (spoiler) but it would be too long so I’m cutting it into two chapters. I’ll write the next one tomorrow, and post it the same day. You won’t have to wait ;) I’m back from my vacation and I have 2 weeks of summer holiday left so I’ll be updating frequently and maybe I’ll even finish the book before I start school again.

I wanted to thank you guys for read this you’re great! 6K is coming closer…

Keep voting, commenting and share!


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