Sleep Over With Him pt 1❤

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A/N: So this chapter is very long. I'm sorry if you don't like long chapters but you know.

Sadly you have to find a job. You already know a place you work. It's just down the road and a sign said help needed. Sadly it was McDonalds.

You get up to get dressed but before you strip, you see Josh laying on your bed.

You sigh

You grab your clothes and head to the bathroom to change.

"Good morning Riley! Where's Josh?" Tyler asked

"Umm.." You laughed "In my room"

Jenna spits out her coffee a little and Tyler's eyes go wide.

"No no no. It's just I was a little umm... Creeped out so Josh just.." You stutter

You can feel your face turning red. You give them a weak smile and go to the bathroom to change.

You decided you should take a quick shower so you peek your head out of the door.

"Does anybody have to use the bathroom, I'm getting in the shower" You yell out.

"Yes, one second" Josh yells as he puts on a shirt.

He pushes you out and once again you are standing in front of Tyler and Jenna awkwardly.

"I didn't know he didn't have a shirt on" You whisper

They laugh.

"Josh? Have a shirt on? I don't think so." Jenna joked

Josh comes out of the bathroom and goes into the kitchen.

"Anybody else?" You ask

They shake their head no.
You take a shower and put your hair into a messy bun. You dressed warm since it's December. You walk out of the bathroom to an amazing smell.

"Hungry?" Jenna asks

"I wasn't before but now I am" You say "what is it?"

"Breakfast burritos"

"Okay but quick, I have to go apply for a job at McDonalds" You fake a smile

"Oh fun" She says sarcastically

"I know right"

You eat at the table with Jenna when Tyler and Josh walk In the door together.

"You guys do know that you don't live here, right?" Jenna says

"We can smell your cooking from down the hall, so" Tyler says

They help themselves and join us at the table. You were already finished so you put your plate in the sink.

"Okay see you guys later. I probably won't be long"

"Okay byee" They all shout.

As you shut the door you hear Josh ask where you were going.

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