Theres a knock at my door and I can smell its a vampire, it must be Silv'. Shit I think to my self she cant know were having a pack meeting about her. I quickly tell my pack alpha they have to leave and go to stall Silv' at the door.
I open the door to the most beautiful woman I know. Her sholder lenth wavy black hair hangs perfectly. Her brown eyes sparkel in the light and her smile god I just love her smile it realy makes my day when I see Silvia.
"Hey Silv' what brings you here?" I ask.
"Hiya Clayton do you have a moment to chat its about Samuel." She replies.
"Sure hun come in hes not around is he?" I ask trying not to show the dissapintment in my voice. Samuel wants her back but I wont let him have my darling she dosent know it yet but she is mine.
"Well thats the thing...I kind of dont know I had a dream and it was freeky"
"Ohh come in then hun can i get you a drink?"
"Water would be great please"
"Ok you go to the living room and il just be a moment"
I go to the kichen my pack has left apart from my alpha Dan.
"Dan" I wisper "shes here its time I told her so you have to leave." He dosent look happy about that.
"I forbid you to tell her Clayton I will not have a Vampire in my pack there vermin if you tell her I will out you from the pack"He wisper yells at me.
"I love Silv' but I will wait if thats what you want sir but I will tell her one day. And I will mark her because she is my mate. Now I have to get back to her so please leave"
I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and walk away from Dan I know I should not dissrespect my alpha but hes denied the fact that Silvia is my mate for a whole year and its just not fair, but im the packs beta and one day il be alpha and I will not discrimnate against race the way Dan has im sure the rest of the pack would back me up most of them like Silv'.
I open the living room door to find Silv on my black leather sofa with her feet on the coffie table I raely love that she makes her self at home here.
"Heres your water" I say handing her the bottle.
"So what happend in your dream?" I ask
"well" she answers "I was running through the black woods again but he spoke this time he said "Im coming for you slivia, you will join me"
"Wow I mean I knew he would come one day but do you think hes close?" I ask
"I dont know Clay but I dont think it will be long now hes had 40 years to find me. I scaired Clay what if he takes me into the shadows with him"
"Is there any thing I can do hun I could tell Dan he might grant you pack protection"
"I dont think he will Clay incase you havent noticed Dan dosent realy like me but...erm...a hug might help." She says shyly.
(AN - coment coment coment pritty pritty please)

The Silver Moon
Teen Fictionsilvias been hiding among humans for 40 years trying to avoid what she realy is but will her maker turn her to the dark side or will her friend clayton keep her in the light.