(AN- were getting to the drama now I dont want to end this story tho :'(
Should I add SAMUELS POV???
Let me know what you think!")
Im awake I think or am I dreaming, im not quite sure. I roll over and open my heavy eyes I feel drunk or druged one of the two.
My eyes open a slither I dont know were I am. Did Clay bring me here? Why would he? we were look for Sam wernt we?
Im lieing on a bed that is not my own the sheets are making me ichy. I open my eyes a little more and look around. Im in a small box bedroom. Three walls are black and the other is blood red the windows are heavly tinted.
The bed im on is a single the sheets are also blood red there is nothing else here except m and the bed.
I scrach my leg, but my hand doesnt reach. Im bound by ropes.
Who would tie me up?
The last thing I rember was feeling ill when we were looking for Samuel. Samuel...Samuel must have me he must have tied me up. I thought he was smarter than that. I am not helpless. I slide down my fangs so im ready to attack if anyone enters, then I grip my ropes and pull. They do not budge so I try again. They still hold. I turn my head to look at my binds and am horrified there black leather cuffs with silver chains over the top I cant brake them. I am stuck, trapped. I am helpless!
Suddenly someone throughs open the door. It must still be light out because it is not Samuel, well either that or iv been out cold all night.
The man is human. Hes about twenty, he has amber eyes and dark hair.
"Samuel will be awake soon" He says "I wanted to ask something of you before he wakes" He will not look me in the eyes, I can not influance him.
"Turn me" He says. I am shocked. Why would any one choose this kind of life. Why would anyone want to be so close to death and yet so far away.
"Never. I have never made a vampire and I never will" I say firmly.
He sighs then says.
"Trun me and il let you go before Samuel wakes up"
Could I do that? Sacrfic this mans life for my own? Because once Samuel finds out what this man has offered he will kill him.
He will hunt him down and snap his neck.
"NO! and if you ask again I will tell Samuel what you have offerd" The man smackes me across the face it stings but is feble he doesnt want to leave a mark Sam will see. Hes scaired I can smell it coming from him in waves.
"Look at me" I try to put as much domanance in my voice as I can. I need this man to look at me. But he does not cave Samuel has ovuasly told him about my talents.
Patric got here within about ten minuets he forced his change to be quick. So hes a little grumpy, but hes picked up Samuels scent and were on his trail. He can move faster than us he will know were hes going he wont have to stop and sniff, but we will find him and Silvia.
We walk through the woods for what seams like hours.
"Are you sure youv got the right trail" I ask patrics wolf.
grrrrrrrrr is all I get in way of reply. He is a tracker so maybe I shouldnt have asked. I rang my dad and hes going to look after Lorna for as long as It takes.
Half an hour later we reach a dirt road I can never rember seeing before. We follow the road for a while and end up at a small pub I know this place. Its the pub I took Lisa to on our first date. As Patric shifts back I stalk the little pub.
Its two storys and has white brick work with tuda style wooden beams. The windows are all tinted and I can smell fear inside.
I dont think Silvia is here I cant sence her but I can smell vampire so were going to check it out as soon as patric has shifted.
(AN- Im going to try a few new POVS so look out for them an please let me know what you think)

The Silver Moon
Teen Fictionsilvias been hiding among humans for 40 years trying to avoid what she realy is but will her maker turn her to the dark side or will her friend clayton keep her in the light.