I awake in Clays loving arms with his soft breath on the back of my neck. I turn slowly in his arms to look at his sleeping face he looks so piceful. I kiss his nose and he stirs and opens his eyes.
"Good morning sexy" He says.
"Good morning mate" I say with a shy smile tugging at my lips. He wraps me tighter in his arms and I feel compleatly satisfied as if evry thing I need in the world is in this room with me.
"We should get up" I say and wiggle from his arms. As we both start to get dressed I say.
"I think il look for Sam again today, maybe look in the woods this time."
"Sounds like a plan" Clay says
"Il come with you my dads got Lorna till five"
"Ok" I say "I dont know if we will find him though and I dont know what il do if we do"
"Stop worrying babe if we find him we will come back and make a plan and if he spots us then il just go all wolf on his arse" That makes me giggle witch I think Clay was hoping for.
"I love it when you giggle its so sexy" He says. "What like this?" I ask as I let out a second giggle just for him. He throughs a pillow at my head playfully and says.
"If you keep making that oh so sexy noise then we might not get any work at all done today" He smiles and for a second I what to do it again and not leave the room but then I ramember Samuel I have to find him he was here yesterday and I cant risk anyting happening to Clay or Lorna. With out saying a word more we finish getting dressed and head out to my little VW Bettle.
"I think you need a new car" Clay anounces.
"NO!"I say a little to sharply.
"Im sorry its just I got my little bug from my father and its sort of the only thing I have left of my human life"
"Its ok. I understand baby" Clay says is voice soft, as we both jump in the car and take off.
An hour later and were at the woods near to Dans we start our surch.
"Can you smell any vamps apart from me?" I ask Clay.
"Nope, but theres some abandond cabins down here about 100 meaters away" He replys.
"I think I should change" He says. I do think this is a good idea but im not sure. He continues.
"Il be able to talk to you through our bond but it wont be full sentances more like thoughts. Its just my nose and ears are stronger when im in my wolf skin."
"Ok give me your clothes il carry them" Clayton undresses and gives my his clothes and I give him a kiss filled with cemistry. He gets down on the muddy grownd of the woods and fifteen mins later im with the white wolf.
The wolf and I kept walking he kept sniffing and I kept lissening we would find Samuel if he wes here.
With Clays noise and my ears we were equipt to do the job at hand.
As we walked I started to feel weaker and weaker untill I had to sit down the wolf sat next to me.
"Unwell" I hurd Claytons voice in my head.
"No I just.... I feel weak I... must be hungry" I reply shakenly. I dont feel hungry though just shakey and weak.
"Come on lets keep going... Then il h have to go drink." I say as I slowly stand and keep walking. I only take a cupple more steps before I pass out.
My mate has fallen.
My mate isnt moving.
My mate is not in pain but she is hurting in her heart.
I nudge my mates head and it lolls to the side.
I lick my mates face.
My mate My mate I cry for her.
I let out a howel but still my mate does not wake.
My mate I cry again and lick her face.
But she still does not move.
I let out one last huge howel then start to change.
When I stand as a man my mate is gone I look evrywere but I cant find her. I bleave it, I bend down and put my noise close to the ground. I inhale slowly picking through the many smells of the woods. I can smell mud, grass, animals and birds. I can smell Silvia and a second vampire, a male vampire.Samuel he took her I need to find him. I need to find her. I cant lose her!
I quickly put on my clothes and pull my phone from my pocket and ring Patric.
"Hey Clay. You nervus about the fight t-" I cut him off. I had forgoten about the fight, il have to pull out but it doesnt matter to me now the only thing that matters is finding Silvia.
"I have to pull out..I.. its Silvia shes gone missing. Samuels got her I..I..dont know what to do.I..I dont know were he is" I start to cry and not just a tear escaping, but a fully blown snob compleate with waterfalls of tears and tones of snot. Im glad patric cant see me.
"Calm down were are you? Im going to force a shift il sniff out a trail as soon as I get there"
"The...w woods behind dans near the cabins" I manage to get out inbetween sobs. He hangs up.
God I hope shes ok!!

The Silver Moon
Teen Fictionsilvias been hiding among humans for 40 years trying to avoid what she realy is but will her maker turn her to the dark side or will her friend clayton keep her in the light.