Im on that bed again. I hurt all over,especaly my neck. I cant beleave Sam bit me.
I roll over on to my side and propare my self for standing. I sit up and put my feet on the floor. I have healed but I still feel the pain from his bite I didnt want it so it hurt alot.
I could realy use a shower but I dont think nows the time for that. I walk to the window and cup my hands round my eyes close to the dark tinting. Theres no one outside and I cant here any thing out there either. I start thinking about the magic around this place. No one outside the buildimg can sence us in here. I have an idea. I sit back on the bed
"Clayton" I think deeply. I clear my mind of evrything apart from him.
"Clayton" It does not work.
"Lorna" I think instead. I think of the little girl I have only known a few days but has left such a big mark on my heart.
"Lorna please can you here me" I consentrait as hard as I can.
"Can anyone here me"
"Clayton is that you"
"Yes Silvia and dont worry im on my way"
"Lissen Sams had a spell done it blocks any one from sencing us"
"Yeah I know babe"
"Wait he cant sence you. You can get as close as you like but as long as you are out of sight then he cant sence you"
"Ok babe hold on tight I wont be long"
I go to Samuel I need him awake when back up arives. I walk to the next bedroom to mine he is not there I procide checking the rooms one by one and I find Samuel in the little study on the ground floor. I walk over to him and stand beside him.
"Have you came to change your mind?" He asks with a big grin on his face. God I hope Clay gets here soon.
"Maybe" I repy. I have a plan.
"There is only one answer I wish to here so if its not YES then leave now" He says nastaly.
"I wish I could leave" I pout. Sam stands and leans towards me.
"Well maybe you need a little more help to remeber that you love me" he says.
Then he throughs me against his desk and pins me down.
"Be my Queen" He says then kisses me once more this time though I respond.
I kiss him back deeply and wrap my arms around him he brings his hand up to my waist and squeeses slightly. He moans quietly and pulls back from the kiss. He trails his hand up and down my thigh the feel of his ice cold touch makes my skin crawl but I make no move to stop him.
I can feel his arousal against my leg as he kisses my neck. Whilst hes buisy I slide down my fangs and attack. I latch on to his neck but in stead of sucking I rip and tair at the soft flesh on his neck and he wimpers. I shake my head and realish in the taste of his blood. I will kill him.
I push him off me and he lands on the floor I pounce on him before he has evan realised whats happening. I straddle Sam and start giving out blow after blow to his head and face. He trys to retaliate but im cought up in bloodlust I need to kill.
Im out side the big cabin with my face pressed against the window.
"This one" I shout to Patric.
The black wolf seams to come from no were. He runs and dives through the window. Splinters of glass fly evry were and I feel cuts on my face but I dont care.

The Silver Moon
Novela Juvenilsilvias been hiding among humans for 40 years trying to avoid what she realy is but will her maker turn her to the dark side or will her friend clayton keep her in the light.