I run to the clearing by the lake in my human skin. I cant shift yet I have to wait a while for my body to get more strenth.
Once im there im not sure what to do. I sit on the ground in the trees out of sight and studdy the buildings in frunt of me.
Theres one big cabin two little cabins and one shead these building are new they were only compleated two weeks ago I guess they belong to Samuel I know hes been here for a while gudging from the photos Patric and I found.
The big cabin has one door and two garage doors. Theres two windows on the ground floor and two on the first floor one of witch looks like a bathroom.
The two smaller buildings are styled much like the first. There wooden cabins they only have one garage door each.
The shead intriges me it smells of blood evan with me being so far away I can smell it strongly. I quietly inch my way through the trees to get a better look its painted chochotale brown to mach the cabins.
It has one window witch is compleaty blacked out the only way I could see in would be to only be inches away, but my wolf is screaming at me to not to go closer hes trying to claw his way out of my body he scaired.
I keep at my slow pace through the trees untill im as close to the back of the building as I can get but still im about one hundred meters away.
I sniff the air I can smell alsorts of things but no vampires. I have to be in the right place there arnt any buildings near the pond and theres no running water. I can smell humans in the air and food cooking and I can smell Patric.
I turn around and hes leaning on a tree behind me holding out some clothes. I take them and as I pull them on I say.
"I only smell humans" Patric inhales.
"Yeah me too" He says "I think we should check it out in the morning. Samuel cant be awake during the day. It would be easyer to kill him" Yes I think to my self but I cant wait that long.
"I cant leave her with him" I say sternly.
Im in the kitchen stairing at the back door I can not touch it it wont let me.
I rase my hand and reach for the handle just as my finger tip reaches it it stops I try to make my hand grab the handle pushing all my weight in to it and then I get fed up. I start punching at the door I kick it and scream for help.
When iv let out some of my anger I turn round intending to look for a diffrent way out.
When I turn I find Sam standing there for a moment his sent is comferting I quickly shake away that thought and push him away from me.
"I am not a vilont man but all this regection is taking its toll on me." He punches me stright in the jaw.
A rippeling pain gos from my cheek to my head and I stumble bacwards against the door. He grabs me by my sholders and once again pins me.
"Be my Queen" Hes says.
I turn my head away from him and dont answer.
He moves slightly backwards and I see his sholder twich I know hes about to strike. I rase my arm and block his punch. I knee him in the stomic then knee him in the face and run whilst hes down on the floor iv only got minuits and I have got to get out of here.
Owww. Shes gotten strong my noise is broken and my gut realy hurts, but it is all worth it for Silvia and the power within her she has yet to unlock. I exspected her to put up a fight anyway.
Its only been seconds since she hit me and in a cupple more I will be heald. I rise from the floor and get ready for the chase. I love this part of the game.
I walk slowly up the stairs as loud as possabul towards Silvias ditection. She stops trying to get to the window at the top and runs down the left hallway.
I can smell her fear and it exsites me. I speed up a little and am soon behind her I turn her around and wrap her in a bear hug as I smack my lips on to hers I kiss her deeply and she struggles.
I finish kissing her and through her against the wall. She lands with a smack and slides down to a heap on the floor.
Silvia is a lot stronger than I thought. She starts to stand up. I slide down my teeth and pounce on her burrying my teath in her neck. I suck her blood deeply and I love that shes resisting it makes her blood taste of fear and anger its beautiful.

The Silver Moon
Novela Juvenilsilvias been hiding among humans for 40 years trying to avoid what she realy is but will her maker turn her to the dark side or will her friend clayton keep her in the light.