Attraction Is Inevitable

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It was almost dawn.

I knew because the horizon was an orange hue, and everything was still too dark to be day. It took me forever to realize that I was outside, and not within the safe walls of my house.            

It took an eternity to realize I had fallen asleep with Cielo outside, nestled against the Willow's trunk. I turned to glimpse Cielo, who was fast asleep, his head in my lap. His chest rising and falling with his breath. He looked so peaceful, his long hair fell into his face. Carefully, I pulled it back to reveal the rest of his features.

"Do you find him attractive?"

I tensed and narrowed my eyes as I realized it was just the Willow. I ignored her, looking down at Cielo, and my heart rate increases as I find him peering up at me. He seemed to realize where he was, and his face turned red, he sat up quickly, rubbing his neck, and signing quickly, Sorry. 

I shrug, though I was a tad flustered too, unlike him, I could control my feelings.

The Willow used this time to speak again.

"Don't fret, Lua. Attraction is inevitable. It is the token of procreation."

I scoffed.

When we got back home, I went on my laptop and searched the following: Does touching a person and stimulating a blush from them mean they are attracted to you romantically or are they simply embarrassed?

This got me into reading about 11 ways to know if a boy likes you, Cielo definitely checked out on most of the things I tried out on him. But I had a weird feeling that he was probably like this with every person.

Over the course of the eventful weekend, I got to learn a little more sign language. Simple things like  the entirety of the ASL alphabet. Now, I can spell out the words I want to say, but it takes an awful long time. Cielo said he'd teach me full words soon. I don't know why I'm so eager to learn.

The paper writing thing seemed efficient enough. But I guess It'd feel cooler to be able to sign language. I'm also learning Spanish, but that's by myself. And sometimes I teach Cielo Portugese, he says the languages are very similar. I agree.

Miranda called, she said she'd be coming in on Monday, and that she hoped I wasn't too bored. I hated Monday, mostly because I went to school that day, and because I went to my psychiatrist. But I guess I hate the whole week.

I got out the shower, and smelled something in the kitchen. I cursed softly, as I ran out, and a towel was wrapped hastily around me, stringy wet thick hair bounced on my shoulder. Burning down the house isn't a part of the schedule. I opened the door to the kitchen and inhaled more of the smell, realizing it wasn't burnt food I smelled, but delicious food.

Spinach fritatas, sausages, bread, and and a glass jug 0.7of raspberry smoothie sat on the table.  Cielo was washing the dishes, obviously not hearing me come in. But he looked up, smiling at me as I neared him and glanced at the food in awe, and we signed Good morning, simultaneously.

Then he looked down.

Seemingly realizing I was only clothed by a single piece of cloth his face turned red, and he hiccuped,  then turned focusing intently on the dishes. I couldn't help but smile at his nervousness. It was a very small one, mind you.

I gently placed a hand on the right side of his face, turning his face back towards mine. His face mirrored the colors of the tomatoes he'd put in the fritatas and his eyes averted me.

I took my hand away from his face, and  walked back to the bathroom to change, deciding I gave him enough heart attack for today.

When I got out, wearing the random clothes I picked for school today, I almost had a heart attack of myself looking through the window.

Miranda's car pulled up in the driveway, and I watched as she got out, walking hastily towards the front door.

I ran to the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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