a crown fit for two

11 0 2

      She walked aimlessly through the forest till she stumbled upon a glade.
      "You look mighty fine to live by for a while." She spoke more to the glade than herself gathering up some stones and placing them in a neat little circle. Where oh where does one find mud in this place? 
      She scanned her surroundings thrilled to see a bee hive. Oooh I think I found something sweet to eat! She scampered her butt up to the tree seeing no foot holds trying to imagine a way up. She closed her eyes and thought of sitting on the branch next to the hive. Suddenly getting the feeling of falling she quickly opened her eyes to see she was in the tree. Her tail wrapped around the branch and her ears perked up from fear while she wrapped her arms around the tree. After being scared to death she looked over to see the glimmering golden honey dripping from the hives opening, knowing she should be careful she stayed where she was and reached out to the hive not caring how she got up this high in the tree at the moment.
        "You there, Beast!" Hearing the booming voice she jumped being startled falling from the tree.
       "Aaah bastard!" This is bullshit I just started the day it isn't even noon and I'm about to die! She thought other obscenities that shouldn't be mentioned as she fell. The loud annoyingly handsome man swiftly jumped up not expecting to find another person unlike the villagers catching her bridal style before she hit the ground. Landing he bent down and set her on the ground quickly as she growled and attempted to scratch and bite him.
       "Who the hell are you?" She spoke with the hint of a aggravated animal behind each  word.
       "Who the hell are YOU? You you monstrous beast person!" Hearing him say it like that hurt her she didn't want to care but she did, her ears drooped, she looked at the ground and disobedient tears fell.
      "Who are you to say whether a person is monstrous or not? HUH! Who Are YOU!? To say someone is a b- a Beast!?" She looked him in the eyes her face distorted in disgust, anger, and sadness not just towards him but at herself as well. She clenched her fist, looked him up and down, he was dressed in beautiful woven silk and golden garbs, her line of sight got up to his face as her tears started to blind her, his face stricken with fear and sadness. She thought to herself; WHAT IN ALL LIVING HELL DID HE HAVE TO BE SAD FOR. HE WAS WELL DRESSED, OBVIOUSLY HAD GOOD LOOKS HE DIDN'T HAVE A TAIL OR EARS OR RAZOR SHARP TEETH TO TURN PEOPLES NOSE UP IN DISGUST AT THE SIGHT OF THEM, WHAT DID HE HAVE TO BE SAD FOR? GOD DAMN RIGHT HE SHOULD BE SCARED OF ME!

"I-I'm sorry, for offending you," his voice was small as if another word might set her off completely.

"Just....leave me be," her demeanor fell as she pushed past him and picked up some of the branches that broke when she had fallen and walking towards her little stone circle while he slowly trailed behind a small ways off.
      "Hey what are you doing?" His voice no longer agitated, more calm, soft, soothing even was getting on her nerves being that quick to change from hostile to charming and, No I will not let my thoughts swoon that easily. Being so naive as to subside his fear and distaste so quickly into kindness, id be a fool to trust him.
     "I'm just making a fire. If your going to stick around make yourself useful," she stood and spun on her heel so quick it made him stumble back a bit earning himself a 'tsk' from her. He continued to refer to her as her in his head causing him to wonder her name.
     "Hey before we continue our conversation, my I know the name of the uh fair ...maiden before me?"
     She scoffed him,"wouldn't You like to know, anyway I asked you first don't you remember, ooor do you have short term memory loss?" She decided to test her luck and poked his forehead teasingly,"so do you have any water? Or are you wandering the forest hoping to find some beautiful princess to kiss and then marry the next day for some unthinkable reason?"
     " uh um ... Well actually I'm prince Aaron of the south eastern coastal kingdom, and I think I found a pretty formidable princess," he spoke with a jokingly chivalrous voice and goofy face which made her anger of him calling her a princess disappear.
    "Well I'm Jayden Arkwright, but I..guess you could ...call me jade," the way his face lit up with joy as she told him her name made her want to slap him, so she did.
   "HEY, what the hell was that for?" He quickly went from mad to holding back tears with big puppy dog eyes wondering what he did wrong as he backed up.
     "Mmm do-dont look at me like that, and answer my question do you or do you not have water."

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