dark deeds and dead ends

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He walked down the well lit highway sidewalk, checking his blind sides just in case but he didn't expect anyone who knows what happens on these streets, to heistate to do the same. He checked over his shoulder once more no one seemed like they had been going the same direction for too long so he assumed that the coast was clear.At least that's what he thought.

He came to the corner of the buildings and checked once more before crossing the intersection."Let's see...check.. check... check..alright we're in business." He spoke as he tapped his neck, adjusting his voice as he walked, his version of multitasking. It wasn't that he didn't already have a deep voice, just that it wasn't rough or raspy enough for his liking while he was on the job. At least one of many. He checked his surroundings once more, not for followers or trackers but for the 9o, before rounding the last corner in to the alley way, tightening his grip on the straps of his back pack. Spotting his client as he stepped into the narrow, unlit section between the two buildings.

"Alright I have the starpods, you have the cash?" He spoke in quiet whispers as he removed the pack from one shoulder, looking around again, before pulling it off the other shoulder holding it close, but infront of himself with both hands on either strap. He had been a runner for his boss for a few weeks now but it still felt so surreal to be here doing this.
"You seem on edge, there's no trouble here..." Multiple figures walked out of the deepest, darkest corners within the alley way. Seeming like shadows they drifted apart into enough beings to form walls at each end of the alley strip.
"You didn't answer my question. Do you have the money or not? I don't feel like having my time wasted", he slightly tilted his head to glance at the shadows consuming the alley's exits, his words drenched in vemon. If this guy and whatever his friends are, were planning to jump him, they'd better wise up real fast cause they had another thing coming.
"You know we don't take to kindly to threats." It spoke calmly as if nothing were amiss. "Then you really don't want to get on my bad si-", thunder struck unseen from within the darkness, shaking him up. He shook his head and sighed. Drawing what would be his last breath, holding onto it. "we only want one thing from you." The figure stepped forward revealing her face. "I don't mean to frighten you big boy, I just," she took a step closer,"want," another,"youuu,"now she was infront of him her heels clacking together when she took the last step, the rain seemed to stop mid air, like magic. "To fall",she had him in a trance with the water drops hanging in the air,like his breathing hanging in the back of his throat, she was completely dry despite the heavy rain that had been falling. Quick like lightning she poked his nose ever so lightly, "boop! hope you Enjoy The Game", with the scrunched little smirk stuck to the back of his mind, he fell unable to catch himself, unable to even move, he fell. Though one peaceful thing he could see the sky, he hit, but fell through it was a puddle he tried to sit up but was pushed down by dark shadows, his head pushed down into the paddle as if it were a full body of water he couldn't realize how they had pushed him in but he could breath to the point where his vision was fading black. He wanted to scream but couldn't as the nice sky turned to black and he could hear the rain pick back up and rush down towards the ground in one fell swoop it went deafingly silent and blindingly pitch black.


-quit game-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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