where we meet

12 1 0

Our little tale begins with tragedy as many stories do, but to truly understand the beginning we have to see the end.

  Several knocks were heard as the door swung open mostly gently, revealing her doctor.

  “ Well Jayden it seems the cancerous tissue has spread to your liver and kidneys... your acquaintance as he calls himself has come to see you one last time before your surgery.” The doctor moved aside to let a moderately good looking man with the largest most creepy and sinister looking grin plastered across his face. He turned his head and nodded, the doctor nodded back and left, letting them have their time alone.


  "Hello Jayden my sweet.” He pulled out a bottle of scotch out of a satchel, an irresistible drink in Jayden’s eyes. “Care to have one last drink Jayden?” The way he spoke out her name sent shivers down her spine but she couldn't resist the temptation that had gotten her here in the first place.

   She hastily jumped up from the hospital bed, ripping some of the wires attached to her off while some stayed glued to her body. She snatched the bottle from his grip while he just stood there, smiling and watching as she took a large swig. Off with a start she ran and crashed through the glass window on to the ground, glass flying everywhere and cutting into her skin. Without paying any mind to the pain she began to run like a madman who was being chased by a demon. She always wanted to see the world even if it cost her last breath.

   "LIFE IS MEANT TO BE LIVED SUCKERS! HELL YEAH, Y'ALL SUCK! WOO HOO!" She was a very free spirit indeed running from the hospital, when “yaaaURGK!”


   She looked timidly down towards her foot to see the misplaced spear of a solar powered light sticking through her foot she wanted to scream but if she did they figure out where she was, as if they didn't already know, so she tried to laugh it off but started choking on her laughs so she tried to numb it with the scotch she did this for. Slowly the life was fleeing from her body and she could feel herself dying while thoughts of traveling the world passed thru her mind. Blood dripped from her cuts and mostly spilling from the fresh large gash in her foot.


    "Enjoy the game jayden…” the man loomed over her as she spoke her last words,"at least i'm light on my feet now hehe….. heh…." she made her last pun drawing her last final breath and the world began to turn into a black void.

                     Game over




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