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"Hurry up Fluttershy! We're gunna miss the cupcakes!" Pinkie yelled as Fluttershy put her books away. The two were in high school now and hung out all the time. 

"Oh no, my stuff doesn't seem to fit."

"Then shove it in your backpack."

"hehe, I left my backpack at home."

"Then use mine, we have all the same classes except math."(It's cause Pinkie isn't as bright a Fluttershy)

" Okay."

Fluttershy shoved all her books in Pinkie's backpack and, satisfied with how it was in, zipped it. 

"We gotta go NOW" Pinkie said as she grabbed  Fluttershy's arm and practically dragged her there. Unfortunally, they missed the cupcakes. 

"COME ON" Pinkie yelled. 

"Sorry Pinkie."

" It's alright." 

The two got into line and paid for their lunches. Once they found a place to sit they sat and talked. Nopony really understood their friendship. Fluttershy was quiet, Pinkie was loud. (Not a lot of ponies knew pinkie)

Pinkie complained about missing the cupcakes and saw the girls next to them had some. The girls next to them were Rainbow Dash and a blonde mare with an orange coat. 

"So Applejack, are you coming to the next game?" Rainbow dash  asked, revealing that the ponies name was supposedly Applejack.

" Yeah, you know I wouldn't miss it." Applejack said.

Pinkie stared at the cupcakes. It was until the Orange pony took a bite of hers, her hopes lowered and she figured that the other pony would eat hers.

Wait the blue pony looks familiar...

"No way, Pinkie it's Rainbow Dash. We used to be friends with her." Fluttershy said. 

Pinkie flashed back to kindergarden." Oh yeah, she's the one who gave me my new name."

Pinkie looked at Rainbow dash and smiled. Rainbow glanced at her, confused on why this random girl was smiliing at her for now reason. HTen she saw the girl across from her. "Fluttershy?" she asked.

"Hi Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow now knew why she smiling at her. It was Pinkie Pie. 

"Hi Pinkie."

"Oh hi Rainbow Dash."

Pinkie pie smiles again. Rainbow turns back to Applejack, whom she also met in kindergarden. That's also why she stopped hanging out with Fluttershy as much. They drifted apart. 

" You'd think she'd wanna catch up." Fluttershy murmurs.

Pinkie is still looking at Rainbow dash.

"Hey Flutters, you think Rainbow dash would wanna hang out with me.." Pinkie stops. Then continues looking at Fluttershy now "Us sometime?"

"Maybe, though it seems she's in a sport and has a game. Maybe not."

Pinkie frowned, then thought a loud

"Wait, what about after cheerleading."

"Maybe. She might actually wanna since we can celebrate if she wins or support her if she loses."

"Do you mean when she wins?"

"I wouldn' be so sure."

"Just sayin."

Pinkie gets up and decides to get another chocolate milk. (they have that at my school)

As she gets up and grabs her milk, a short figure breaks her off balance. It takes her mind a while to comprehend what happened and once her vision comes back, all she sees is Rainbow Dash apoligizing over and over. Fluttershy appears in her feils of vision and eventually helps her up. Finally, Pinkie says, after like 100 "im sorries", "It's alright, I know you didn't mean it. I forgive you."

Rainbow dash sighs in relief. Pinkie looks at her chest fur. It has Pink frosting and chocolate milk all over it. 

"I'll help with that too." Rainbow says. She grabs Pinkies hoof and leads her to the bathroom. For some reason, a warm feeling runs all through Pinkies body. She shakes it off and continues forward.

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