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"Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving...maybe I'm going home."


"Millie, trust me, I'm sure everything will be fine! You're just overthinking all of this,"

"But what if I'm not?" The pale girl retorts.

"Listen, I'm sure Finn just misses you," Her red-headed friend rubs her back, in hopes of making her feel better. Millie put her head between her legs.

"Okay..." She says into her clothing, "why don't you come with me then?" she lifts her head back up, with a lopsided smile.

"W-what? Millie, that's crazy! I have never been to their house, and I never met the guy, and I plan to keep it that way," She crosses her arms.

"Sadie, c'mon. He has friends you might like you know! And you need to move on," Millie places a hand on her shoulder.

The girl looks at her, her eyebrows furrow, "I have moved on! I've moved on okay!"

"Really? You haven't been with anyone since,"

"It was two years ago. Of course, I've moved on. Now are we going to Finn's house or what?" Sadie stands up in front of Millie and throws her hand for her to grab. Millie takes it, and they rush down the stairs and out to the door.



"We're here!" Millie says as she parks her car on the street. I open the car door and step out, taking in a deep breath.

"Wow, this is where he lives?" I look at the giant white house in front of me and cross my arms, "alone?" I turn to look at Millie who has just locked her car.

"Of course, not! That would be silly! He lives here with three other people. Jack, Jaeden, and Wyatt. Let's go," Great, more boys I don't know. We walk to the red front door, how ironic, it's my favorite color. Millie rings the doorbell, and we hear the bell echo in the house.

The door opens, "Oh, hey! You're here!" A curly haired boy, actually not curly, more like hard ramen noodles, kind of hair stands besides the door.

"Is this Finn?" I mumble to Millie, remembering that she's told me he has curly hair. She lets out a soft chuckle.

"No, this is Wyatt. So are you gonna let us in or what?" she answers. Wyatt gestures his hand, and he pushes the door back with his back.

"I'm Sadie by the way," I tell him before stepping in the house. He nods and shakes my hand.

I look around, pretty neat for a house with only all boys living inside. One of them probably has to clean up after the other. I'm guessing Jaeden, I've actually met him once. He was nice or seemed like it.

I walk over to their couch and a tall figure enters the room from the kitchen. He walks over to Millie, and gestures her to follow him,

"Millie! You're here, let's go upstairs, I need to talk to you." She walks over to him, and he puts an arm around her, while her arm goes around his back. She looks back at me and mouths, I'll be back, don't worry.

Great, I'm here, in their living room, all alone. I mean, there's Wyatt and Jaeden, but they're just playing video games, and I don't really know them. For all I know, they might do something to me.

Jaeden turns around and asks, "Hey, wanna play?" I nod, not knowing what to say, and he hands me a controller. Mario Kart, I could do this, this game is really fun, and really easy.


"Ha! I beat you guys again! 17 to 5! Boom!" I say as I stand up and drop the controller on their fur rug. Wyatt is sprawled out on the floor, looking like he's given up.

"How? How did you beat us! It was two against one!" He says, throwing his hands up in the air.

Jaeden crawls over to him, also in defeat, and lays on Wyatt's stomach. He spreads his arms on Wyatt's face, and he pushes it away. I let out a small laugh.

"Haven't you heard? I'm the Queen of Super Smash Bros," I give them a dramatic smirk, and pose.

"If you're the Queen, then we're the Kings," Jaeden says, still on Wyatt.

"Mhm, you keep telling yourself that," We laugh, and I join them on the floor. They aren't as bad. Actually, they aren't bad at all, they are two very fun teenage boys.

"Hey, what time is it?" I ask one of the boys. Wyatt pushes Jaeden of his abdomen, and grabs his phone on the couch.

"It is...9:38 p.m." We've been here for two hours?? It didn't even seem that long.

"Thanks, I can't believe that, that was two hours. I wonder what Millie and Finn are doing upstairs that's taking them so long," I say. Wyatt lies down on the couch, and Jaeden is still on the floor using his phone.

"Heh, they're probably riding," Jaeden says. I roll my eyes. Oh Jesus, these boys.

"No, they're probably not, we would've heard th-" Millie comes rushing down the stairs, her face stained with mascara.

"Sadie, let's go," She commands.

I quickly stand up from the floor and run over to her, "W-what? What happened? Are you okay?"

"JE DIS, ON Y VA!" She grabs my arm and pulls me out the door. I can hear Finn calling her from inside the house, she's also speaking French, which means something bad really happened.

We always speak French when we're mad, it started becoming a thing after high school. After, we became fluent in French.

She unlocks the car, and we both get in.
"Voulez-vous me dire ce qui ne va pas?" I ask her.

"Il a rompu avec moi," Her voice breaks and she puts her head in her arms. I pull her closer to me and give her a hug.

"Tu avez dit que je réfléchissais trop et que rien de grave ne se produirait!" She sobs.

"Shh, it's okay," I gently caress her hair.

"Non ce n'est pas! He said that he didn't love me the way he used to anymore. He said it happened two months ago, a-and that he didn't want to tell me then, because he d-didn't w-want to h-hurt me," She cries even more.

"Hey, hey, it's okay! Maybe he isn't the one. Think about it this way, you are just one step closer to finding the person who's the one for you. It hurts right now, I know it does, but stay strong, and keep thriving," I give her a tighter hug.

"I'm sorry, you've been through worse, I shouldn't be this upset, when you have been through worse." Her voice is muffled.

I continue to slowly caress her head, "I'll drive, let's switch,"

We Were too Close to the Stars - FADIEWhere stories live. Discover now