f o u r t e e n

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"There are many stars in the sky tonight. But only one shines through my heart, and that is you."


I wake up to the feeling of my Finn's breath on my cheek, and music playing in my left ear, the other earbud in his ear. I'm on his lap and my legs dangle over the arm rest. His arms wrap around my stomach with his hands locked, while my head rests on his shoulder and his head lightly rests on mine. (photo above) I remove the earbud and slowly try to stand, trying not to wake him. That doesn't work because he pulls me back down on his lap, wrapping his arms around me again.

"Hey, hey, where do you think you're going?" He asks sleepily. I look at him and he slowly opens his eyes.

"I need to use the bathroom, so let please let me go," I plead. He groans, "Fine." He lets go of me and I slowly pass the sleeping Amanda and walk to the nearest lavatory.

When I get there I find Millie in line, "Hey! Millie, you're here too. Where are you guys sitting?"

She turns around, "Sadie, hey! We're sitting over there," She points three rows behind the lavatory. "And where are you guys?" I point five rows in front of the lavatory. "Did you get any sleep?" She asks.

I nod, "Yea, yea I did. It was great, probably one of the best I've ever had." She looks surprised, "Really? On an airplane? Are your seats more comfortable than ours?" She laughs. "I technically didn't sleep on a seat?" I say. She looks confused, "What?" I lightly laugh, "I slept on Finn's lap? Well, I was sleeping on my seat, but then he woke me up and pat his lap. I was confused at first, then he told me that he wanted to hug me while he slept, so yea."

"Ah, I see. Yea, I used Noah's shoulder as a pillow." I laugh, "Oh really, he let you do that?" She laughs with me, "Surprising right?" After Millie says that, both lavatories finally open. I do my business and get back to my seat. When I get there Finn is still sleeping with his mouth open, I laugh a little, how cute, and Amanda is awake. I take my seat and put the earbud back on, I look at him and hold his arm.

"Doesn't he look so cute when he's sleeping?" Amanda asks. What is she trying to do here? I turn around to look at her, "What?"

"I mean, he just looks so peaceful."

"Yea, he does." The lights turn on and I think it's time he wakes up. I take my hand and place it on his face, "Finn, baby, wake up. I think they're about to serve breakfast." He groans and holds my hand that's on his face and rubs it with his thumb.

"What time is it?" He asks, slowly opening his eyes. I grab my small bag on the floor and take my phone out. "4:30 a.m," I say. "Then I guess it's safe to say good morning to my beautiful girlfriend," He says. I smile at him, "Again, you are so cheesy, but good morning."

"Hey, Good morning Finn!" Amanda says, jumping in. Finn looks at her, "Good morning, Amanda." She didn't even say it to me, but she says it to my boyfriend? What is she trying to do? I bury the thought at the back of my head, I can worry about it later. The flight attendants come out with carts, and start to serve breakfast. "Can you lift up the window?" I ask Finn.

He lifts the shade up, and outside is dark, but not pitch black. "Okay, you can close it now." He smiles and shuts the shade. A flight attendant stops at our row.

"Hello, what would like for breakfast? We have an omelette and Hawaiian breakfast sausage." Amanda looks up at her and asks for the omelette with orange juice. And for you ma'm?"

"Er-do you guys have any vegan meals?" The flight attendant nods, "Yes, of course we do. I'll come back to you."

"Thank you." I say, smiling. "For you sir?" Finn looks at her, "I'll get the sausage meal with water." She takes the tray out of the compartment and hands it to Finn. "Thank you."

"I will be back with your meal ma'm." I nod and she continues to the next row. Finn started to dig in his food, I sigh, wrapping my arm around his. "I didn't want to bring this up earlier, but this has been our first plane ride since you know." I tell him, trailing off and resting my head on his shoulder.

He swallows his food, "Yea...it is. But you know, it's good that we didn't let that scare us from ever riding a plane again. We're in this together Sads." I smile at him. "Yea, we're in this together." A few moments later, the attendant comes back with my meal, and I start to eat. It wasn't that bad, there was no meat, egg or dairy products.

I turn to look at Finn who was already looking at me and he smiles. "You're so beautiful,"

I lightly chuckle. "You're not so bad yourself Wo-" The plane begins to shake and my heart starts to pound. Finn becomes worried and quickly holds my hand, "Hey, just a little turbulence. We're okay. Just two hours to go." I smile at him and rest my head on his shoulder.
"We're in this together remember?" He says and kisses my head.

Finn just makes me feel so amazing. I love when his autumn brown eyes sparkle every time he looks at me, especially when he smiles. That smile, it's so perfect, it's something that I want to see and cherish forever. I want the future arguments we have to bring us closer, not further. I want his soft strong arms around me in bed every night, every morning. And right now, I think my biggest fear is, losing him. I think I'm falling in love with him, or maybe I already love him.


"Hey Sadie, baby, we landed," Finn says, while nudging my elbow, cupping my cheek, and kissing my forehead.

I groan, and slowly open my eyes, "I slept through the landing?"

He smiles, "You're a pretty deep sleeper sometimes Sink. You wanna get up now and leg me get the luggage?" I unbuckle my seatbelt, grab my bag from the floor, and stand from my seat. Amanda wasn't in her seat, she probably wanted first dibs out. Finn gets up from his chair, and opens the compartment, taking our extra luggage.

When they begin to let us go, we meet the others in the luggage pickup. After we get our things, we all finally meet up.

"So Finn, where to now?" Jack says, placing a hand on Finn's shoulder. He scans the looks on our faces and smirks, "To the best Villa in Hawaii."

"I mean, I still can't believe we're in Hawaii." Millie says who's standing very close to Noah, closer than usual at least. She turns to look at him, their eyes lock, and they both smile. I'll have to ask her about that later.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Finn says, holding my arm and sliding his hand down to my hand and interlocking them.

This is going to be the best trip ever. We're in Hawaii BABY!

a/n: guys stop this chapter sucksksksks sorry it took so long <3

We Were too Close to the Stars - FADIEWhere stories live. Discover now