Rock, Paper, Scissors [Winchester Brothers x Reader x Crowley]

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A/N: This imagine may be a short one. Sorry 😅

Imagine Sam, Dean, and Crowley playing Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets to ask you out.

"Hey, Dean?"
Dean looked up from his favorite pie and saw Sam standing across he table from him.
"What is it, Sam?"
"So-I've been wanting to ask out (Y/N) tonight. What do you thi—" Dean interrupted.
"Wait. You're gonna ask her out?! I was planning on doing that!" Sam scoffed,
"Sorry, but I'm doing it first!"
"Not if I tell her first!" Their childish bickering went on for about a few minutes until they felt another presence. They both turned to see Crowley with his hands folded behind his back.
"Hello boys."
Dean rolled his eyes,
"Ugh, what do you want?"
"I was here to speak to (Y/n) personally."
"About what?"
"Well, I'm going to confess my feelings to her and ask her to court." Dean violently shook his head.
"Nu-uh, no! No. No you are not."
Sam intervened,
"Hey, what if we played a Little Rock, paper, scissors to sort this out. Whoever wins, asks her out." They all agreed to the situation.
"Alright, let's start."
Round 10
"Rock, paper, scissors!"
Sam sighed.
"Dammit, Dean. Stop using scissors!"
"Geez Sammy, I pick want I want!"
"You boys are immatures.."
They were about to start another round until they heard the door to the bunker opened, revealing (Y/n).
   She smiled, walking in.
"Hey boys, Crowley. What're guys doing?" Dean lips lifted up a bit into a smile.
"Well, we're um...we're playing rock, paper, scissors to see who asks you out."
(Y/n) giggled and responded as she walked into her room,
"Sorry boys, but I'm dating Charlie. Nice try though~!"
The three men had their mouths agape,
Dean tried to choke out some words.
"She—she's a lesbian?!"
(Y/n)'s voice was heard through her room's closed door,
"Yes, I am!!"
"I thought she was American..."
"Shut up, squirrel—!!"
A/N: sorry if that sucked and that the characters might be ooc. But yay, a second imagine in this book. Thanks for reading and hope for more to come!
Peace out, my friends :)
                                         ~ Bri

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