Loyalty - Crowley x Demon! Reader

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Imagine  Crowley starting to question your loyalty towards him

Pairing: Crowley x Demon Female Reader


"Miss (L/n), the King wishes to see you immediately," a demon called out to you as you leaned against a wall, looking down at your meatsuit's hand. You turned your head to see the demon standing there with hands behind his back, looking at you as if signaling you to follow him. 

 As you walked yourself towards the throne room, you found the King of Hell, Crowley reading files one of his demon servants gave him. You were glad that you were a crossroads demon and not one of his servants. Once you got a few feet away from the throne Crowley was sitting at, you bowed to him dramatically. 

"Good evening, your highness. What might you need~?" you sang, chipper as you always are, giving him a smirk playing on your lips. Crowley rolled his eyes at your sarcasm and sighed, 

"So, (Y/n). You heard about Abbadon wanting to rule hell, correct." You pretended to be surprised, "What? Abbadon, the Knight of Hell wants to take your place on the throne? That's such surprising news to me!" Crowley stood up from his seat abruptly and glared at you, you swore you saw his eyes flash red for a second. 

"Cut the crap, (Y/N)!" he teleported right in front of you, his face a few inches from yours. You could feel his hot breath from the distance you were at. "Are you...working with her?" 

You tried to compose yourself from being nervous, "Um, no your highness, why would I betray you?" Crowley just looked into your eyes, you can tell he didn't trust you. 

"(Y/n), (Y/n). You're lying to me, aren't you?" You shook your head nervously. "No, sir. Why do you think I would lie to you?" Crowley raised his eyebrows at you, "You're a demon, you lie, you betray, you do anything bad."

You shrugged, "Crossroads demon, actually." You instantly felt something sharp stab your stomach a bit and winced in pain. You look down to see an angel blade slightly in you. 

You looked up at Crowley in shock as he smirked at you, "Don't play sarcastic with me."

Your face scrunched in anger, 
"Abbadon will stop you and rule hell, you blood addict." 

"We'll see about that." With that, he pushed the angel blade more into your stomach, causing orange to flash in your body as you screamed in pain. Your empty meatsuit fell to the ground, dead. Crowley walked away, clicking his tongue in satisfaction.

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