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(Flashback) Even though most of the boys wouldnt stop staring or drooling, there was one guy that caught my eye in particular and his name was Cristiano Ronaldo


After about 2 hours of swimming, we all got out of the pool and waited for Marcelo to finish the food. " Hey Clarisse, Do you mind if I go take a quick shower?"

"No, not at all!" With that I went back inside and grabbed a towel. After taking a quick shower I realized that I didn't bring my clothes. "Well Shit."

I quickly tiptoed outside making sure no one was there. I saw my bag and made a run for it, when I heard voices coming. Then I saw Ramos, Bale, Coentrão and Ronaldo. "Uh.. Hi guys" I said awkwardly.

They looked as though they had just found food. Well, I wouldn't blame them. I was only wearing a towel and a very small one at that. I grabbed my bag and ran back to the bathroom. Noticing Ramos and Ronaldo checking me out. After that incident I went back inside to the bathroom to change. When I was done I went back outside to Clarisse, and explained to her what had happened. "He was checking you out!" She said excitedly. "Sh! Don't be so loud! It's not for sure.. But I can't stand that arrogant asshole.. No offense." I replied

I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out to see that I had gotten a message from one of my best friends, Bella.

"Hey Rafa how's the BBQ?"

Hey! Uh well it's kinda weird. But. I have so much to tell you. How 'bout tomorrow over lunch?"

"Sounds good , see you then!"

Bella and I had known each other for so long . We met in high school and have been friends ever since. Bella and I are also really close with my friend, Gabs. We all sort of just clicked, and it's been like that ever since.

"Rafa? You listening?" Clarisse asked."sorry what was that?" "I said you should really be careful around Cristiano, when he wants something he usually gets it" she replied.

"If he thinks that I'm that easy to get , then he's out of his mind" I told her. I glanced up only to find the Devil himself staring at me with that stupid smirk of his. " I just want to smack that smirk off his face " I said angrily.

"Won't be long before he starts hitting on you, he does it to all the girls." She said. "Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" I asked."Single or not , he still does it." She soon got up because Marcelo was calling her to help him out. As I was scrolling through my newsfeed, I felt someone sit down next to me. "Hey beautiful." Cristiano said.

Oh my fucking god.

This really just had to happen to me. Ok, play it cool. Maybe if you act uninterested he'll leave you alone. "Uh.. Hi." I replied awkwardly. He scooted closer to me and said "I know how to please a woman" "Then please leave me alone" I replied. For about a second he looked thrown off but them returned with that smirk.

"Ah, I see playing hard to get. I like girls that play hard to get. Wanna know why?"

"Not really." But he ignored my answer and decided to go on. " Because it's so easy to tell that you want me."

Logically , that made no sense but I decided to play along. "Yes Cristiano, I want you." I paused then continued "I want you to leave." The look on his face was priceless . " I'll make sure you fall for me so hard Rafaella that you won't even see it coming"

"In your dreams" and with that I blew him a kiss and he stormed off. One point for bitchiness for Rafaella Beckran . Oh yea , I'll show that asshole that not everyone likes him. Rafaella 1 Ronaldo 0.

"Hey Beckran" I turned to look at who had just sat down. "Oh hey Bartra" Marc and I shared the brother-sister relationship. Now I'm sure you're wondering how I don't find him attractive . Don't get me wrong he's really hot but I'm just to close with to date him.

I'm sure he thinks differently though. Not to sound like a cocky or an egotistical bitch, but a lot of Neymar's teammates like me, which I honestly

Don't see why. Marc put his arm around me and brought me closer to him . I could see a lot of Marcelo's teammates glaring at us, especially Ronaldo.

"What's up chicken butt?" I asked. "Nothing really , kind of tired. didn't really sleep last night." he replied as he put his head on top of mine. "Aw, that sucks. Is it me or do Gerard and Fabio still look like they want to chop each other's heads off?" Man, how right I was.

All it took was a couple of misunderstood words and Gerard and Fabio were fighting. they were both on the floor wrestling taking turns punching each other. Pepe soon got up to help Fabio take on Gerard and Jordi ran to help Gerard. We all tried to pull them away or at least get them up, which we managed to do but they were still pushing each other around.

Now let me tell you something . Each of these guys were either close to 6' or higher and all worked out. So being close to the edge of the pool , while all of the guys were pushing each other does not equal a good out come.

All I remember was being roughly pushed into the pool and screaming. Because I was pushed so hard I went all the way to floor of the pool and I was on the deep end. Normally I would've just swam back up to the surface but there was a major problem.

My foot was stuck in the water vent.

Who in fucking hell is the genius that thought of this !? By this time I was panicking and when you panic you tend to run out of breath. I was pretty sure that none of them could see me so I tried to get my Foot out but it was no use. While trying to get my foot out I had forgotten that the pool wall was close to my head and because I was turning roughly so much , I hit my head on the wall quite hard.

Then everything went black.


THUN THUN THUN. UH OH BET YALL DIDNT SEE THAT COMING. THOUGH IT WAS PRETTY OBVIOUS BUT YEA WHAT YOU GUYS THINK? SOME OF YOU MIGHT HATE ME BECAUSE ITS A CLIFFHANGER😈 BUT OH WELL.😵😲😂 on a more serious note I don't know if you guys heard, but there was an earthquake in California and it was in my area of where I live . I don't think I have ever been that scared. it was a 6.1 and it was 3:20 in the morning so yea. but everyone is ok, but I'm really sad about the people who's homes were destroyed but anyways , yea that happened. AND FUCKING SCHOOL STARTED😐😖🔫🔪🔫🔪🔫 ANNOYING FAKE BiTCHES EVERYWHERE LIKE OMFG. GUESS I GOTTA PULL OUT MY ANNOYING-BITCH-SPRAY-REPELLENT and my BITCH-BE-GONE spray repellent . *sigh* but y'all are my motivation thank you for voting and commenting I really appreciate it. if y'all every want to talk I'm here😊☺️

Peace guys🙌🌎✌️

Love ya~ Gio

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