First Time {Both}

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imagine for @graysondolan43

     Ethan and Grayson are obviously the hottest guys I know. That's not even a question. And yes, I may have fantasized about being in bed with them on occasion... Though I am friends with both of them, so I'm scared to ruin that. But I mean, it's not like we're BEST friends, so it couldn't ruin anything too much, could it?

     I sat down on the couch in the living room, waiting for Ethan to get back with the Chipotle. Grayson was in the shower, so I was all by myself. Everything was normal; the twins and I are friends so I'm naturally hanging out at their house pretty often. I scrolled through my Instagram feed, pretty much bored out of my mind. Just then I heard the shower turn off and the bathroom door open.
     "Saraiah?" Grayson asked.
     "Yeah Gray?" I answered
     "Is there a black t-shirt on the couch in there?" He questioned. I looked around, and didn't see one anywhere.
     "Um... no? I don't see one," I replied.
     "Ugh damnit where did Ethan put it," he mumbled as he walked out of the bathroom. Next thing I new Gray was right in front of me wearing gray sweatpants and no shirt, with wet hair. Damn. I quickly bit my lip and looked back at my phone, and it seemed like he didn't notice. I got a text from Ethan:
      I'll be home in 5
     Good, i replied, I'm starving over here.
     Grayson continued looking for his shirt, and I focused on forcing myself not to stare at him. I was struggling. Then he threw himself down on the couch next to me.
     "I give up," he sighed, "you're sure you didn't see it anywhere?"
     "N-not that I remember," I stuttered. He looked me in the face and I finally realized how close he was. I felt my cheeks get hot.
     "W-why don't you just grab another one? Ethan said he'll be home soon with the food," I attempted to say as steadily as I could, trying to change the subject. Grayson had a look in his eye that I hadn't seen before.
    "Eh, I'll be fine," he said casually. He smirked and got a little closer, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "I really don't think you want me to anyway," he teased. My face was now definitely as red as a tomato.
     "Well..." I laughed, trying to play it off. He looked me up and down, and again whispered in my ear, "I wouldn't mind if you took your shirt off either." I shivered.
     "Maybe I will," I whispered back, our faces inches apart. I contemplated making the first move, until finally I thought, what could go wrong? I closed the gap and pressed our lips together, finally being able to feel those soft lips I only ever imagined feeling in my fantasies. Grayson kissed back eagerly, obviously wanting more. The kiss deepened, and next thing you know he's on top of me and we're making out on the couch. Well didn't that escalate quickly? As the make out became more and more heated, I started to become nervous. I obviously him to fuck me, but I was a virgin, so I didn't exactly know what I was doing or what to expect. His sweatpants came off, along with my shirt and leggings. I thought I heard a noise at the door, but I didn't pay much attention to it.
     "Well shit," Ethan said surprisingly. Grayson and I jumped up to see him standing in the doorway.
     "Damnit E why'd you have to scare us like that," I questioned. I then realized what I was wearing and quickly grabbed a blanket to cover myself.
     "Well, uh..." Grayson started, a blush growing on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck. Ethan raised his eyebrows, and it seemed like they both knew what he was saying without him saying it. I obviously didn't know what was going on.
     "Hello? I'm still here half naked! Should I just go or.." I started.
     "No! Stay!" Grayson interrupted, "you're fine it's just... you're obviously a very beautiful girl and Ethan and I both know that, and we were kinda wondering if you'd be down for a threesome..?" I was taken aback for a moment. A threesome? Both Dolan Twins? There's no way I'm passing up this opportunity.
     "Uh yeah, let's do I," I said confidently.
     "Thank god," Ethan sighed, quickly taking off his shoes and shirt. He quickly ran over and put me into the position that Grayson had had me in previously. He roughly smashed his lips onto mine, and I was so into it. I felt a hand on my pussy, not realizing at first that it was Grayson. A moan escaped my lips, and I could feel Ethan's boner growing on my thigh. Grayson teasingly kissed my inner thighs, and slowly pulled down my panties. He ran his tongue up my slit and it felt amazing.
     "Oh Grayson," I gasped, Ethan still attacking my lips. Ethan's hand found its way to my clit as Grayson continued licking up and down my pussy. I had never felt anything so good before. "Oh god it feels so good," I moaned. They both started moving faster, and I continued to moan louder and louder. I could tell I was getting close to my high, but they both slowed down as if they knew. "Damnit," I huffed in frustration. They both got up and pulled off their boxers, and let's just say that they both most definitely do not have small feet. Grayson started making out with me again, and I hesitantly pushed him back. He got off of me, looking confused.
     "I... I'm a virgin," I said, a blush rising to my cheeks again. Both of their faces flooded with relief. Ethan looked at me with concerned eyes.
     "You're sure you want to do this?" Ethan asked.
     "Y-yes I do I'm just a bit nervous," I replied. Grayson bent down and used two fingers to rub my clit again.
     "Don't worry baby we'll take care of you," he assured me. I moaned again, and he took his fingers off. Ethan finally took off my bra and started sucking on my nipple. Grayson placed his tip by my entrance. "Ok baby I'm gonna go slow, tell me if you want me to stop," Grayson said kindly. He pushed his dick in, and man did it hurt like hell. Ethan sucking on my nipple definitely helped, but this was more painful than I expected it to me. Grayson slowly started moving, and it didn't get better. A tear ran down my cheek as I waiting for the pain to subside. It never did, and Ethan noticed.
     "Bro stop something's wrong," Ethan stated with concern filling his face. Grayson quickly jumped off of me and looking extremely worried.
     "Saraiah what's wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry I should've realized..." Grayson ranted, each word threaded with concern and guilt.
    "No no Grayson you're fine it's just... it hurt so bad and I... I thought it was gonna get better but..." I started, slowly starting to break down. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. I burst into tears, both boys quickly putting their boxers back on.
     "No Saraiah it's ok!! We don't have to do this right now. If you aren't ready it's ok," Ethan said comfortingly.
      "But I want to! It's just..." I tried to get out between the tears.
      "It's ok Saraiah. We can try this another time. We're always gonna be here," Grayson assured me. I slowly started calming down. They both sat down and held me, making me feel so much better.
     We sat like that for a few minutes until finally, Ethan said, "Well let's get dressed and eat some food. I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry." I laughed.
     That's definitely not how your first time is supposed to go, and I was very embarrassed. They continued to assure me that it was ok and we could try it another time. I hated myself for not being able to handle it, but they were the kindest they could've possibly been about the whole situation... it made my heart ache.

     Though, a few nights later, my heart wasn't the only thing that was aching for them...


Hope you enjoyed that imagine Saraiah! That was a very long build up and honestly idk if I like how it turned out but... hope you at least thought it was decent. You honestly probably don't even remember asking for it lmao it was so long ago... sorry about that. I'm literally the biggest procrastinator you'll ever meet. Anyway thanks for reading everybody! And I think it's worth while to mention that this story now has 162 THOUSAND reads. what. the. fuck. You guys are absolutely amazing and I appreciate everything that you read of mine, every vote, and every comment. Thank you!!

On another note, sorry it takes so fucking long for me to update lmao. Honestly I would say I'm busy but half the time I just don't feel like writing so I'm sorry for that... but I am currently working on one other request and then after that I have some pretty good ideas of my own ;)  (but if you do have a request please message me! it might take a while but you can try haha). Love you guys!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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