Is This Peace

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Rias stands in front of a large door that leads to the room where her second brother is. Until today she didn't even know she had any other siblings besides from her brother Sirzech but now she finds out she has yet another older brother. With her is her pawn Issei who had wanted to come with her as emotional support.

"Don't worry Rias. If he tries anything I'll beat him into next week." Issei tells Rias since he didn't really know how to truly console her in this situation since he never had to deal with such a thing.

"Thank you Issei." rias says as she breaths out a deep breath. "Well here goes nothing," Rias says as she opens the door only for her and her pawn to be met with an explosion.

Jumping out of the smoke cloud is Astral in black sweatpants and a white T-shirt. "Your control over Antimagic has only improved over all these years," Astral says with a smile as he looks at Saki who's in his black form and holding his antimagic greatsword.

 "Your control over Antimagic has only improved over all these years," Astral says with a smile as he looks at Saki who's in his black form and holding his antimagic greatsword

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"Of course it has. I can't kick your ass if I'm just some weak bitch on the sidelines!" Saki shouts as he points his blade at Astral. out of nowhere Saki charges at Astral and the two clash blades.

Pushing off one another Astral summons Shard of ice magic behind himself. "Ice magic, Chilling Shards!" Astral shouts as razor-sharp shards of ice fly toward Saki

"Jet Black Antimagic Slash," Saki says as he pulls out another antimagic sword, this one being lighter than and more of a one-handed blade. As he slashes Astral the devil poofs into a puff of smoke and the real Astral taps his sword on the ground.

"Must you give you attacks such long names? "Astral ask his friend

"Damn right I do. I want my opponent to know exactly what attack fucked them over." Saki explains to Astral

"Well if that is what you prefer," Astral says as he sheath his sword. "We'll finish this another time Saki. My sister is here and I wish to make up for lost time." Astral tells his friend as he wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"Fine, I'll kick your ass later," Saki replies as he puts his own weapons away and deactivates his transformation before walking away.

"Hello there Rias it is good to finally meet you in person and I see you brought your pawn Issei Hyoudou. It is truly a pressure to meet you both." Astral says with a bow

"Y-yes. It's nice to meet you, too big brother. I'm Rias your younger sister."

"Calm yourself Rias. If you fear that I hold resentment for the entire Gremory line you are mistaken." Astral Say with a smile

"Think Fast!" Shouts Saki as he throws a water bottle full force at Astral's head.

Astral catches the water bottle and with a smile thanks to his friend for the drink. "Oh come on I wanted to see you get knocked the fuck out," Saki complains as he walks out of the room.

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