Two brothers

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"Astral you're the one attacking our people?" Sirzech ask shocked at this information

"Unfortunately I am. I wish it did not have to come to this. However, you refused my offer to surrender. However, I am happy you did to a certain extent." Astral says as he throws his cloak to the side.

"If you had surrendered it would have shown me you're a weak leader and I am happy to see the devil faction has such a strong leader leading it," Astral says to his brother

"Brother people are dying please stop this," Sirzech says as he looks at his brother.

"Correction zombies are dying and spirits are returning to the afterlife." Astral correct his brother.

"What explains!" Sirzech demands

"My army is made up of zombies from my bishops Level Zero ability and spirits I've made contact with. As if I would plan for a war of such magnitude and not have a plan to minimize casualties." Astral says to his brother.

"But what about our people. Your soldiers are killing them." Sirzech says to his brother.

"Wrong again. My soldiers are fighting with dull weapons. Strong enough to stun, wound, and damage the devil soldiers equipment. However, they can not outright kill and once they win my soldiers take the wounded to my healers on the battlefield. I also have scouts patrolling the kingdom to find any stragglers who need medical attention." Astral says with a serious tone.

"I didn't come to commit genocide. I came to bring about the change the underworld needs." Astral says to his brother.

"Change? What change would the underworld need that's so important you'd start a war over!?" Sirzech yells

"A change that will never come without a push. The council has turned the devil faction into a place where the strong are treated like gods while the weak and presents are left in the gutters. This will not change due to the council's influence on not just the faction as a whole but also you and the other great devils. I wish I could bring change in a different way I truly do but as it stands this is the only way." Astral says with a heavy heart.

"Still this isn't right even with the measures you have devils are gonna die and then what?" Sirzech ask

"Then I die." Astral replies as he exposes his chest to reveal a blue magical lock marking on his chest.

"I cast the spell life lock on the integrity of the underworld before this war began. If even a single devil is to die I will die in their stead and my life force will bring them back." Astral explains

"Are you mad! That's crazy!" Sirzech exclaims

"No not mad. I simply have faith in my soldiers. They see me through to the end without taking a single life within the devil faction." Astral remarks

Sirzech makes a tight fist before he speaks. "I hoped I could reason with you but you're dead set on this aren't you?"

"I am. My apologies." Astral says with a frown

"I see well then there's no telling you out of it. When you're set on something you never stop until you a accomplish it." Sirzech says with a smirk. "It's something I've always admired about you."

"Before we do battle there is something you must know. I have lived my life with only a single regret and I hope to rectify it today. Sirzech all those years ago when I disowned you as my brother I take it back." Astral says to his brother.

"Astral," Sirzech says slowly. The words his brother had just spoken are words he never thought he would hear within his lifetime.

"I let my emotions control me and they lead me to make the biggest mistake of my life. I am so very sorry for what I said. I  reality you're the only brother I'd ever want and nothing can ever change that. I now know mother and father along with the council forced into taking the glory for what I did and that is their fault, not yours. I do not know if you'll accept but please allow me to be your brother again and accept my apology." Astral says with a voice overflowing with emotions

Small tears form in Sirzech eyes as he looks at his brother.

Astral smiles at them before getting into a fighting stance.

"Dry your tears brother this is no time for them. Now we do battle. Do not let our previous conversation sway you. Now you fight me for the sake of your faction. Show me why you're the leader of the devil faction brother and remember whether I win or lose and whatever fate awaits me if I am to lose just know you will be my brother regardless! Now come at me with all you have!" Astral shouts at Sirzech with a smile

Wiping his tears away Sirzech summons two orbs of his destruction hands. "Kindly brother!" Sirzech shouts back with his own smile

As the two brothers look at each other ready to do battle a single thought crosses their mind.

"Today is the day. I surpass you brother" the two devil brother say in their minds as they look at each other

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