Meeting old friends

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*third person view* 

Hiruzen: Danzo old friend how did you get here?

* when Hiruzen look at Danzo he was somehow in Anbu armor with his arm covered in bandages as well as his eye* 

Danzo: the same way as you idiot!

Hiruzen: mean as ever 

Danzo: and your stupid as ever

Hiruzen: oh really? Who was named the professor? Hmmmmmmmm, who was hailed as the god of all Shinobi?

* and for hiruzen to add salt to the wound*

Hiruzen: and who was the one who became Hokage?

Danzo: alright! alright! don't need to gloat you bastard

Hituzen: look on the bright side old friend, your young as me.....not as beautiful and sexy as I am though

*Danzo rubs his eyes....well eye?*

Danzo: it seems I still have the Uchiha eyes in my arm and the Sharingan in my eye still you regret it?

Danzo: regret what?

Hiruzen: what you did to Itachi and the Uchiha Clan

*Danzo replies with shaky breath*

Danzo: yes....but i did what I must for the leaf 

Hiruzen: for the leaf?! Danzo it could of been prevented if you gave me or Itachi time and settled the matter with the Uchiha 

Danzo: time we did not have! I did what was right for the leaf village Hiruzen you old monkey! I did not enjoy getting rid of a clan that brought a lot of power and protection to the leaf but I did what I had to do for konoha...

Hiruzen: they wouldn't have to die if you was more open minded, we could've saved them all but now we can't what's done is done

Danzo: your to soft Hiruzen, let's get going before more of those "Grimm" show up

Hirzuen: let's get going at Jonin speed 

Danzo: alright but I do hope you can keep up hiruzen you maybe younger but so am i 

Hiruzen: I was going to say the same thing to you old friend!

*then they both jumped and took to the trees and hop across each tree at Jonin speed*

*timeskip somewhere else in the forest* 

???: damn sage should've drop us somewhere closer to a village or something!

???2: stop complaining and yelling idiot before you blow our cover and get something after us

???: shut the hell up! I can do what I want!

*the first man was wearing a cloak that's black with red clouds on it, he has silver hair and seems to be in his early twenties, hes caring a scythe with three sharp edges on it*

* the second is a man wearing the same cloak but is also wearing a mask with a sharp edge on the top of his head*

???: shut up hidan all your damn yelling getting me a headache 

Hidan: fuck You kakuzu! It's your fault in the first place!

*Kakuzu keeps walking*

Kakuzu: I fought a whole group of high ranking ninja alone and the nine tails Jinchuuriki while you got trapped in the Naras brat trap and how I was close to getting kakashi of the Sharingans heart until you ended up destroying my heart their, so by all means how is it my fault we ended up here

Hidan: obviously lord Jashin was displeased with me not killing the Nara brat

Kakuzu: right

* they both kept walking for a couple more hours until they came upon a city gate*

Hidan: finally! All this walking was making me tired!

Kakuzu: shut up hidan before I kill you

Hidan: I'd like to see you try!

Kakuzu: I said shut up, it seems we are at a village called............Vale


Boom cliffhanger 

Hope you like this story so far and everything and I dont own Naruto or Rwby and none of their characters 

Hope you like this chapter I don't know who to add next but I'll roll with the flow for now

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