Exploration into the new "village" part one

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*kakuzu point of  view*

Hidan: hey kakuzu how the hell are we going to get inside?

*whined hidan*

Shut up hidan or I'll kill you, now let me think of a plan to get inside, it shouldn't be to hard

Hidan: id like to see you try you old bastard! And besides I'm tired kakuzu! I may be immortal and everything but a person got to rest after tree hopping and running FOR 15 HOURS  STRAIGHT YOU OLD BASTARD!!!

* I start rubbing my eyes after hidan's ranting I'm to old for this,......he's still going but at least I came up with a justu to ignore him most of the time it's the "ignore hidan justu" very effective*

Alright hidan, once we make it inside I'll get us a shabby apartment just stop talking 

*i said then continue walking towards the entrance*

Hidan: hey wait up!

*hidan runs after me and starts walking by my right* 

Hidan: I don't think they'll accept your currency kakuzu, we are in another world said by the damn sage

*that stops me in my tracks*

" all my hard work, all my hard earned MONEY gone.....all of my 350 million ryo (is that how you spell the money in naruto?) gone, down the drain"

Hidan: kakuzu? You okay their old geezer?

I'm fine, and they will accept my money I'll transfer it somehow 

*i said clenching my fists*

Hidan: that's great and everything buddy but we still have one problem, how the hell do we get inside?

I have the perfect justu for this, the Hiding with Camouflage Technique we'll be able to make it past without being seen even if we can make it past stealthy I don't want to take any risk

Hidan: a great plan kakuzu except one problem 

And that is?


You didn't have to yell idiot I'll show them to you just be patient 

* i then start slowly doing the hand signs a couple times to show them to hidan kami knows how many times it'll take to stay in his small brain*

Got it?

Hidan: yeah yeah I got it you old geezer 

*thrid person view*

Hidan/kakuzu: hiding with camouflage Technique!

*with the hand signs made they both turned invisible and quickly and stealthily made their way to the check point on where people get to inside vale and easily got passed security due to being trained in stealth well kakuzu has hidan not so much but the justu did come in handy and soon after they made it through and materialized on some rooftops*

Kakuzu: you nearly got caught 10 times idiot 

Hidan: oh I'm sorry kakuzu that I wasn't trained for being stealthy as you

*hidan says sarcastically with his arms cross*

Kakuzu: you was trained to be a ninja hidan and that means also being stealthy idiot 

*kakuzu then leans over the edge of the random building their on and hidan does the same*

Hidan: I gotta ask kakuzu, what's our plan now? I don't know if leader here or anyone actually I kinda miss the guys

Kakuzu: first we set up a base of operations 

Second we learn as much about this world and how it runs

Thrid we start collecting money and lots of it until we both are filthy rich

And last we both can go our separate ways if we want

Hidan: sounds good to me, I can still do my sacrifices and rituals right?

Kakuzu: of course but not so out in the open hidan this isn't the nations we're used to dealing with

Hidan: alright! Then let's hurry up and get a damn apartment already I'm hungry and tired

Kakuzu: for once I can agree with you

*and with those last words they both went off to find a place to rest for the night and some food as well*


Cliff hanger cause why not 

Again I'm not good at making story's I'm just going with the flow of what I know please tolerate me and enjoy my story if you have any ideas please tell me and who do you want to show up next? Tell me in the comments also picture up top not mine

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