A Massive spar with separation and a almost nice get together

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Okay this one of my first times writing fight scenes so it might be sloppy and trash please forgive me on that I'll do my best on them


*location, back to where they first awoken at Early in the morning with the sun slowly rising*

* No one POV*

Minato: since you suggested it Zabuza what are the rules?

Zabuza: rules? Oh right rules yeah uh 1. Don't kill anyone, 2. No one helps out their enemy, rule 3. You may use whatever weapon you have on you, rule 4. If you are in a fatal position by the enemy and no one can help you then you are out.

Deidara: alright the rules are simple enough but how are we doing this? Free for all? Teams?

Sakumo: how about

*in vale, taking place in juniors bar/club*

Loud music can be heard with multiple people dancing on the dance floor, our ninjas we know are sitting by a table In the VIP section

Jiraiya: so that's what you and......Danzo have been doing huh Sensei?

Asked jiraiya as he drank his beer

Hiruzen: yes we haven't done much except living our lives as normal people except for training but that is all

Smiled hiruzen as he too drank his  drink

Jiraya: then did he start planting the seeds to build the roots?

Said jiraya in a coded message 

Danzo: I am right here you know and for your information I have not unless hiruzen baka here allows it

Danzo glared at jiraya with his one visible eye

Danzo: and even if I did I see no problem except for you all might think I'm trying to take over something 

Jiraya: you tried to get my Sensei killed! Multiple times! Your not very trustworthy either even if you gave your word!

Danzo: seriously? Hiruzen forgave me which I appreciate, and I only did that because I had to do whatever it takes to protect konoha that's what you idiots didn't understood 

Nagto: you tricked the man we admired and us into killing each other! With the end result having yaiko killed and later on Hanzo of the Salamander killed 

Hiruzen stopped drinking his drink to listen to the conversation 

Danzo: it was  necessary to make sure you didn't endanger the leaf

Konan: messed up their

Danzo: which I have realized later on. I was to quick on the gun and blinded badly to protect konoha that I was willing to do whatever it takes to protect it...........I have made many mistakes some that will probably be never forgiven and I don't ask for them to be, but what I want is for you to give me some trust just some is all I ask

* the three former rain shinobi look at each other then at their sensei to see what he'll decide*

*jiraya sighs deeply and looks at hiruzen*

Jiraya: if you trust him I'll give him a small amount of trust but not a lot especially for the kind of man Danzo is

Danzo relaxes and releases breath his breath that he didn't know he was holding of course everything can't go always right for the man Danzo now can it?

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