A spar of the century

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* Third person view*

With Minato ramming the rasangan into Deidara stomach the effect was instant which we all knows what happens when someone hit with a rasangan which exploded not in a big ball of flames but air....? Hard to explain unless your a fanof the show and seen it in action, but saying Deidara went flying would be an understatement. When the ransangan was rammed into Deidara stomach Minato released it and it pushed him far and hard into the air and then expanded and exploded with hard wind pushing Deidara down to the floor with the help of gravity making Deidara hit the oasis water hard on his back which did little to slow his fall which he hit the button of the floor hard leaving him dazed.

When he hit the floor everything that happened to him finally caught up and the pain he is feeling he couldn't even describe but that it's ten times worse from the pain when he fought sasuke, his stomach hurts bad and not just his stomach but the whole front side of his chest and stomach area and the whole back of his body

Deidara finally realized where he was and painfully swam up to the surface and then made his way to the side of the shore and just collapsed, the front of his cloak is completely torn and shredded from where the rasangan originally hit him to the point you can see most of his stomach which is badly bruised that it's turning an ugly shade of purple not only that but he's about to pass out from the sheer pain of getting hit by a rasangan, luckily he has a lot of pain resistance from his many battles but still he felt that greatly 

Someone going to feel that in the morning, of course what did you expect when your going to fight one of the fastest people alive? Continuing on let's see how Haku taking a rasangan to the stomach?

Not so well considering that Haku went flying far into the air until he harshly landed on the sand 

Haku out is now completely sandy and the front completely ruined from that rasangan exposing his flat chest that has..........bandages cover his chest that are ripped up from the high ranking justu attack

(Zabuza: Wait! Hold up! Time out! Why the hell does Haku has bandages around his chest?! What are you suggesting here author!

What? Those bandages could be for anything 

Zabuza: I swear to god!)

And Haku is out as he is knocked the fuck out with one rasangan to the stomach/Chest, Haku at his current level is  high chunin and even with his great speed and reaction time it was not fast enough to save him from the likes of a kage level shinobi such as Minato the yellow flash of the leaf  one of the fastest ninja in history and one of the most powerful ones as well.

Haku was no match against him even if he was holding back. Now let's see how his master/teacher is doing?

*changing locations to where Zabuza And Sakumo are*

Zabuza And Sakumo blades clash yet again for what seems like the hundredth time, Zabuza not looking to good but not looking worse for wear, he has multiple shallow cuts on his arms and one on his cheek cutting his mask a little and some scratches but nothing to serious the same for Sakumo who taken small scratches across his body due to being to slow to parry Zabuza great sword

Sakumo jumped back from Zabuza who slammed his large blade into the floor trying to hit Sakumo 

Both men sweating a little, but because this is a spar both are forced to hold back a little and thus cannot go to their fullest but that changed with what Zabuza said to Sakumo 

Zabuza lifts his blade up and puts it on shoulder

Zabuza lifts his blade up and puts it on shoulder

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