|Chapter 1|

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"So you were a police officer?" I asked Storm as we sat in the station. "Yes, I didn't lie about that. Which is why I'm signing back up for it, being stuck in that guest room is tiring." Storm said.

'So he is out getting a job, I'm guessing the hunter job just doesn't cut it for him?' 'Probably not, but hey I'm not going to judge him.' Storm was reassigning himself to the role as a police officer, so I'd let him do his thing. But I was his ride here.

Outside was covered in a nice dusting of snow. Storm continued filling out the papers before returning them to the desk before looking at me as I stood up and Maryse looked over at me as I took my keys out and we headed back to my mustang and got in.

"So now you got a job." I said and Storm nodded at that as we drove back to my place. "Were you ever a hunter?" I asked biting my lip. "No, that was your father, I had never had interest in that." Storm said and I nodded at that.

'Guess he never picked up that Knight family tradition. . . or the Corbin family tradition, just preferred being himself.' I nodded at that. It didn't take us long to arrive back at my place as I looked at him. "I'm leaving next week." I told Storm who raised an eyebrow.

"Where?" Storm asked. "College, I'm going to college for art, this is my second and hopefully last year, I did double classes to graduate early." I said and Storm nodded at that. "Good to see you leading a good life." Storm said and I nodded as we got out of my mustang.

"Isabella." Storm said and I looked at him. "Yes?" I asked. "How are you holding up?" Storm asked. 'Lots of people seem to ask you these questions now a days like you have something to be loosing sleep over besides Lucian.' Lucian. . . we were tracking him down as of right now.

"Yeah I'm fine, sleeping fine, eating fine, living fine. You should be more worried about yourself not me, you were the one in a coma for nearly 3 years." I reminded him and Storm gave me a half of grin as we went inside where my brothers and his nephews were waiting.

As well as Lucas. Well Enyr and Lucas were making-out making me roll my eyes as I went into the kitchen where Flimur was making some homemade mac and cheese. 'Nothing like a good homecooked meal to come home to.' I nodded at that as I sat down at the table.

"Officer Knight." Lucas said as I came back in. "Sounds nice." Lucas said biting his lip. Enyr leaned into Lucas a little. "Izzy." Lucas said and I looked at him. "What?" I asked. "Want to go on a job with me later?" Lucas asked. "What kind of job?" I asked.

"Rogues, Jackson wants us to clean out some rogues, they've been dancing in the borderlines hunting their prey, we scare them or kill them. Depends on their actions." Lucas said and I nodded at that. 'Sounds like a good job you should take him up on that offer, good thing to get out of the house for.'

"Yeah what time?" I asked. "Tonight around 5PM." Lucas said and I nodded at that brushing some hair from my face. "I'll be in my room until then." I told Lucas who nodded at that.

With that I was up I my room with Maryse following after me. "New job." I told her sitting down on the bed and taking my combat boots off as I let my eyes drift outside to where the ground was covered in a nice layer of a snow.

'Some winter hunting along with some rogues to be scared off sounds like a fun job now doesn't it.' Sounded like a basic job that would provide an average income. As well as some thrill seeking rogues since they thought this was the best pack to do some stupid shit on the territory line on.

'Well no one exactly said rogues were the brightest creatures out there.' I smiled at that. Rogues were easy jobs in my opinion way, well way easier in my opinion compared to the bastard Lucian. So leaning my head back I relaxed to wait for Lucas to come get me for the job.
"So how many rogues?" I asked as Lucas and I stepped through the woods. "About five." Lucas said and I nodded at that. "Have they killed anyone?" I asked. "No they're just be destructive little assholes." Lucas said and I nodded at that as I put my guns away.

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