|Chapter 31|

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The lay out of the land was drawn out by none other than yours truly. With what I had seen and Dalton had seen we had been able to come up with a map of the land. I had each place labeled.

'Right down to the fences that Dalton told you of when you two were driving back.' Silver fences with barbed wire covered in wolfsbane. Wolfsbane was a nasty when it came to werewolves especially depending on the type of wolfsbane you purchased. The Organization rarely worked with wolfsbane due to how toxic it was.

Witches were the ones who worked with it. Orchid grew it. . . but Andrew wasn't allowed near that part of her land. She forbid him from helping her when it came to wolfsbane. Because despite it being lethal to werewolves it was a very useful ingredient in the wolf world.

Most witches grew some form of wolfsbane. 'Its typically the nonlethal wolfsbane that they grow. The lethal one most witches don't even like taking their chances with.' Wolfsbane was something most werewolves didn't want to mess with. Not even an alpha would want to take their chances when it came to wolfsbane.

When they touch silver it burned their skin. Sometimes just small burns and then to a degree where it looked like they were set on fire. Silver was what most used against werewolves, whether it be rope with silver inside of it so they couldn't escape to it being silver bullets.

Silver was the preferred method to deal with werewolves. 'It hurts like a bitch to them.' Derik was more immune to it since he was a hunter. 'But Derik has the special bullets that has steel coating the silver so he can touch them and he doesn't touch the silver blade part.'

Derik adjusted his werewolf status better than anyone I had ever seen when he found out he was one. But we had a nice map of the land and it had gone into the copier and there was so many copies of it now. Tons of them.

'There has never been so many copies of your drawing before.' 'It's just a map nothing special. For the pack and whoever else is coming can see what they'll be on.' Anyone who was coming with to the land to go see what was going on had gotten a copy of the map.

Whoever was coming with knew what to expect as well. Lucian was no doubt turning humans and we had no idea how many he had turned. So Jackson suggested we go in with a lot instead of a little of the pack. Anyone who could fight and was willing was going.

'Which happened to be quite a bit. Even a few neighboring packs offered a few of their warriors. And of course Kane offered some of his fighters, as did the witches and the Unseelie.' We had somewhat of an army I guess. More of a force of fighters.

It was better to go in with too many than too little. The witches who were coming with were paired either with a two vampires or a few werewolves due to Lucian's bite. He could turn humans so we had no doubt he could turn a witch as well if given the chance.

And we had yet to figure out if those turned werewolves could turn people as well. So the witches had people with them and when fighting were to stay behind away from the action. Not in a way that excluded them from fighting but in a way that kept teeth out of them.

'Because teeth in them is not a good thing for us. If they end up turning we have no idea if Lucian will have control over them or not.' And a werewolf with witch powers wasn't good if they ended our enemy if Lucian had control over them.

So the witches would be doing offensive spells from behind the werewolves or vampires and no doubt some defense spells as well. And of course their familiars were able to fight as well. Orchid was there and I knew well Yin and Yang would be out there sharpening their claws on some turned werewolf bodies.

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