|Chapter 15|

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I was silently taking apart my gun to clean it out. There was a lot of cleaning going down to keep my mind on something else. Running a hand through my hair I cleaned another part before assembling my pistol back together and cleaning it together.

At the end you could see someone's reflection from the shine in it. 'And you saw Derik was a neat freak when it came to being bored.' 'Well I'm cleaning to keep my cool so I don't go shoot up The Organization to take some names.' Satan nodded at that.

I stretched a bit. There was a lot of things that I had to do today as of now. The college was smacked off the list I had morning classes and finished them quite early, I was cleaning out the last of my weapons before I was off to meet up with Dalton.

There was some new tracker werewolf who was going to be helping us track down some more turned werewolves if there was anymore. 'But you can never be too safe which is why you guys are doing what you have to do to make sure those assholes don't show up and ruin all the fun.'

And then I had to go meet up with Derik afterwards. Derik and I had a few things we had to do. We would be doing a bit of grocery shopping together and heading up to The Organization.

Which we would be doing together as Dalton had filled Derik in on the whole possible traitor being there scenario. So now I was not allowed there alone anymore. 'Someone has to accompany you there until the traitor theory is confirmed or turns out to just be a wrong theory.' Which I hoped was wrong.

But honestly there was so much that made sense if there was a traitor since they found me so easy. And The Organization almost always had contacts on me. Something I overlooked until Dalton brought that theory in. And now I was absolutely pissed at the thought of being tracked for the wrong reasons.

I took off all of the trackers on my things as a fuck you to them. 'And if they ask you about it you can just tell them your no longer want to be tracked.' They couldn't track everyone without their permission and I was not the person they wanted to fuck with.

And I could promise them that if they wanted to try some shit with me. They thought because of the fear and some respect they installed made them invincible, but kingdoms can fall. So if those traitors do exist they better watch their footsteps and what they are doing.

'Yes, because an immortal is defiantly not something to be fucked with and that's not even counting your whole vessel status.' I smiled a bit at that. Being a vessel wasn't as terrible as people liked to put it, after awhile it became bearable. And Satan was a nice friend.

And it I did enjoy Supernatural but the vessels in there were nothing like the vessels in real life. Demons could take forms without a vessel but they were trapped in hell after all. I ran a hand through my hair as I got up and put my pistols on as Dalton sent me a text.

The confirmation text to go meet him at the abandoned woods. 'Seems you guys are starting that tracking, don't forget to bring that article of clothing found on them.' I nodded at that before I was out the doo with all of my things and off to the woods.
I had met a fair share of werewolves, of all sizes. Short, tall, skinny, large. And this tracker was a skinny thing and Scottish as well according to Dalton. Dalton was standing silently there as I came over running a hand through my pony tail as I stopped.

'And he awaits you with that whole alpha vibe going on.' 'It's a werewolf thing no doubt, I doubt it's for me.' Satan shrugged. "Isabella this is Adaele, Adaele this is my girlfriend Isabella." Dalton said introducing as my eyes shifted back on over to Adaele who watched me.

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