|Chapter 9|

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Christmas was interesting. My mind was still trying to wrap around the fact that Dalton decided to get lingerie for Christmas. Lace with a rosy pattern on it. My boyfriend, Dalton got me freaking lingerie. Lace no less. Lingerie of anything.

'Seems Dolly isn't very innocent now is he? I wonder if he was imagining you wearing that while picking that out.' I rolled my eyes. Derik had left today off with Lyric to visit her parents. I smiled a bit knowing Derik was finally meeting Lyric's parents, they were currently on the flight out to Alabama.

Lyric's parents lived right near the borderline of Alabama and Florida. Derik said he'd text me when their flight landed. I brushed some hair from my face as I sat on my bed in the duplex with my laptop in my lap as I went through my email in boredom.

It was my professional email, I didn't go through my personal email since it was mostly YouTube notifications and alerts. On occasion there was an actual email from someone but I tended to only go through my professional one since it had all of the important things in it.

All of the jobs for hunting, money receipts, my bank account information, and anything professional and related to The Organization. As well as the hunters online library. The app that had been created provided an online library which I had been no more than happy to use to my full advantage.

'People believe money runs the world. Wrong. Knowledge brings power, so knowledge and power run the world. The powerful survive through while the weak tend to be weeded out. Unless someone powerful is with them or they are hellbent on surviving.' What Satan spoke was the truth.

The weak ones who had a will like Mt. Everest were the ones to watch out for. They were so hellbent on surviving they might as well be like zombies. Rising even on the brink of death clinging to life with all of their power. They were nuisances at times. While in some cases incredibly useful.

At times like cockroaches, so many of them, and can practically survive any catastrophe event, except simple things. Some just gave into diseases. But bullet wounds, stabs, bites, mauling? Oh hell no. 'They'd rather pull through and make everyone miserable, and then come down with cancer and die later.'

Then there were the ones who laughed in the face of disease. Akira's mate Audrey was one of those, she wasn't physically strong. Yet lung cancer didn't kill her and neither did a psycho Song. She pulled through and managed her way out without the help of Akira.

Most survived because of the strong person in their life. A best friend, a sibling, parent, or lover. 'Yeah, at times I respect them because of their sheer will.' Audrey I didn't mind that much. Lyric, she was like fungus. She grew on you whether you liked it or not.

Although I didn't mind Lyric. She ended up growing on me. However my mind was knocked from that as I looked at a email labeled Lycan News. It was sent from one of my informers in The Organization. We all had people to go to in The Organization to get news and benefits.

Its how you survived in such a cutthroat organization. Where if you were a hunter you best be strong and know people. Lots of them were my enemies but I had my secret allied. My informer was a young girl around 13 who got in the supernatural world by accident.

'Those cases tug at the little bit of humanity that I have left which is not a lot.' I simply smiled at that. She was a 4'8 girl who had been stunted in growth and weighted maybe 90 pounds. She found out through the supernatural when her brother was turned into a vampire. . . forcefully.

They were both brought in. Him part of the experimental supernatural hunters. They had benefits to being in the program. She was offered protection and him free blood. Willing blood donors who got their blood taken, and put in a bag for him so he wouldn't become addicted to drinking from the source.

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