|Chapter 14|

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The college was busy with the students scrambling around on campus to get to their classrooms. With the new year here some new students had flooded in as well as a few transfer students how had come over to NYU to do better.

There was actually a few from other countries. 'One of the other country kids happens to be a werewolf. They hail from Scotland, Scottish werewolf.' Practically every country had at least one pack of werewolves if not more. Werewolves and most supernatural were spread out across the world here.

Werewolves were the biggest in America, Canada, and France, since France was where the original werewolf legend came from. Next to the skin walker legend of the Native American tribes. But the werewolf legend itself was from France with a lot spiraling from the beast of Gévaudan. Sure werewolves had been around for a long time.

'With Lucian being the first since we have more insight than most of them.' But the beast in France was a werewolf. Most of us knew this, well the supernatural did at least since he was punished by both werewolves and some of the hunters who had been forming.

But that beast was a werewolf similar to how Jack the Ripper was believed to be a vampire. That was one of the actual few unsolved cases. But they believed Jack the Ripper to be either a vampire or a rogue werewolf, but whoever it was a sly and smart son of a bitch.

Avoiding both human and supernatural government along with hunters. 'Never caught, got away with all of the killing that he or she had done.' But supernatural legends come from all over the globe similar to us supernatural being all over the globe. And now we had a Scottish werewolf.

Which brought one more werewolf to our little werewolf group at NYU. A group of all the werewolves who had a little meeting place to discuss anything suspicious going on. Big cities like this required groups like this to make sure the word didn't break out like that.

And it was another reason that The Organization's headquarters was based in one of the biggest cities. 'Small towns like Greenburg, well Greenburg is sort of small sort of not. But small towns aren't a worry but huge cities like this on the other hand.' You needed to have precautions in it.

So us werewolves made a group to discuss things like where to run, and territory and to make sure no alpha or ones with alpha bloodline were trying to tear each other apart. And there was a nice amount of alpha blood here in this college which could cause tension.

There was my four brothers, two others from a pack, and then another one and lastly me. The rest were mixed positions. But now we were welcoming the Scottish male werewolf into the pack. He was a scout and was a bit nervous being in a room full of alphas and ones of alpha bloodline.

'Well you can't blame him, this room reeks of hormones and dominance and his ranking follows and takes orders.' He was quiet and had his hands were behind his back as he did his best to remain calm and collected. But he was obviously a bit of a low ranking scout.

He was a scrawny little thing, about 5'9. He had fire hydrant red hair and pale green hair and his face was covered in freckles. His hair was very curly and he was very quiet and awaiting an order no doubt. But he didn't bother me that much.

Sure my inner alpha wanted to give an order, but I could keep that part under control as well as Ash. 'Hey! I am behaving myself, he's not from our country nor or pack so I now not to order him around and expect a lot out of him.' Which was a good thing. 

"This is Adaele. He is the new transfer student from Scotland, he's a tracker, one of the Spotted Runners best youth tracker. So he can help us if any rogues come around. He is a lower ranking wolf so I expect you alphas to be on your best behavior." Jesse spoke.

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