|Chapter 18|

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The aroma of the room was nice. Nico was at the kitchen making dinner once more, except this time he was making it from scratch. He was seasoning a T-Bone steak, well about six of them before he put them on the pan to cook.

Next to that was a big pan of rice and then a pan of noodles boiling as well. I watched him as I sat my bag down and ran a hand through my hair. 'Well it seems the professor loves boring out classes even with these extra classes we take.'

When I didn't like it I simply reminded myself that this was to go after Lucian and get an advantage. That always brought me back as I set my backpack down on the chair at the table. "Swamping yourselves with classes?" Nico asked and I nodded at that as I sat down.

"Isabella and I need a week or two off so we doubled classes. We're going to some B&B, apparently Alina and Lucian might be there." I said. 'And if they are there well we have a crazy plan that will be going into motion.' At least Isabella loosened up a little.

If it got dangerous we'd be getting out of there which she agreed to. Which brought some relief to the danger that this would come with. "Oh, sounds interesting and dangerous, so doubling classes to be relieved of some for about two weeks?" Nico asked and I nodded.

"We're hoping not to be there for two weeks but just for safety measurements. I'm heading towards getting my degree since I added some online classes with it as well as the dual enrollment I did in my junior and senior year." I said and Nico nodded at that.

Most of us had did at least one year of dual enrollment. 'Except Isabella as she didn't even think about going to college. But art classes aren't that long, she'll most likely be getting her associates degree this year around summer.' I nodded at that and then we'd be done at college.

I had two years of business and this would be my fourth year along with some of the online classes I did. The two years here spent especially before all of this immortal problems came up we had a good time at college especially with nothing breathing down our back.

But now we had the Corbin brothers on Isabella. So this would no doubt be our last year here before we headed back to Greenburg. It was Rodney's last year as well as he stayed an extra year to get his master's degree. 'I believe him and Freya are already looking for houses to buy or rent to own.'

I heard about that. Nico was doing similar things and was speeding up his law degree similar to us due to Angel. Before he pregnancy he did his normal pace, now with Angel pregnant he sped up his process to hopefully be out of college before she had her baby.

Or a few months after. 'A college campus isn't exactly a good place for a baby to be raised. I'm pretty sure mom offered them to use the Ashford nursery.' I smiled at that. We had ten bedrooms in our house along with a few spare rooms to go with.

And one was a nursery that most of us spent a few months in maybe a year before we got our own rooms. It was a cute little room with tons of baby supplies and things like this. Toys and everything along with night lights.

Angel and Nico would no doubt be there for a bit until Nico got them a place to live in. It was quite interesting seeing my brothers really starting their life. Even Rory had matured up and was looking at houses as well back in Greenburg. We all planned to stay in Greenburg.

'It just doesn't seem right to just abandon the pack we grew up in. So we just all happen to be staying here.' And it was a bit nice that even going our separate ways we'd all be back in Greenburg once more. The town we grew up in.

"Angel and I will be going out to the pack infirmary this weekend for they can check up on her progress with the baby. I honestly can't wait to find out the gender of the baby." Nico said with a bit of a smile on his face and I nodded at that.

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