~Fascination with Numerology~

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Elvis had a Fascination with Numerology and used it to pick his death day. Errie example....date of death...August 16th, 1977, has a numerical significance: 8+16+1977=2001. Thus spake zarathustra, the theme music from the movie 2001, was Elvis's theme song.

It is believed Elvis choose the 16th for his "death" Because he wanted 3×24 in it (a lucky combination.) "2001" was also the name of a movie Elvis used to watch.


Using this formula this finds us with three sets of the number 24 (a lucky combination) the two numbers from the day of death add up to the number 24  16+8=24 - the sum of digits in the year of death add up to the number 24  1+9+7+7=24 - 2001 (name of film) - 1977 (year of death) =24

Let me know what you think of this one... xoxo

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