~~Did Elvis commit suicide~~

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Elvis's ex wife priscilla, has revealed that Elvis knowingly took his own life and has stated she had seen the suicide notes to prove it.

His former wife, priscilla, opens up about how bad Elvis's addiction got, she even goes as far as to say Elvis "knew what he was doing." She claims that his death was premeditated and self-inflicted.

The shocking revelation came after it was discovered that Elvis had supposedly left two, handwritten, suicide notes addressed to Billy miller,which said: "I'm sick and tired of my life" and that he needed "a long rest." One of the notes was dated January 1977, seven months before he died. Joe Esposito also claims he allegedly burned the note to protect Elvis's family and his legacy.

It's been said that Elvis took his own life by digesting a huge dosage of prescription painkillers.

I honestly don't think this is true.. Let me know your thoughts xoxo

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