~The Funeral~

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A great deal of "Elvis is Alive" intrigue centers on August 18th, 1977, the day of Elvis's funeral. Footage of the service shows pallbearers struggling to lift a 900-pound copper casket. Elvis had packed on a few pounds in his later years, but there's no way he was pushing a half-ton. One explanation: the casket was outfitted with a cooling system- the kind you'd use to keep a wax dummy of a beloved celebrity from melting on a hot summers day.

Sound crazy?

A wax body that was a replica of Elvis designed to fool funeral-goers. How did the presley get a 900 pound, custom made casket ready for the showing of his body that was held on the day after his death? It takes a lot of time to build such an elaborate casket.

Elvis's cousin Gene smith thought the body looked a little strange.
"His nose looked kinda puggy-looking, and his right sideburns was sticking straight out- it looked about an inch,"
Smith said in the 1991 special the Elvis files. "And his hairline looked like a hairpiece or something was glued on." Smith was also troubled by the smoothness of Elvis's typically calloused hands and the sweat on his brow.

A hairdresser who also claims she glued a loose sideburn on the corpse because it kept falling down.

The body in the casket was believed to be a wax dummy. Some even believe the body of Elvis was sweating, making him believed to still be alive, yet faking his death at his very own funeral.

 Some even believe the body of Elvis was sweating, making him believed to still be alive, yet faking his death at his very own funeral

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