~~Was Elvis Murdered~~

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Some conspiracy theorists reveal startling evidence that Elvis may have been Murdered. Although the official cause of Elvis's death was ruled a heart attack, it has long been assumed Elvis died from an overdose of prescription drugs. Forensic evidence, the finding of two toxicology studies and the testimony of two members of the autopsy team that examined Elvis's body refute both of these scenarios. Once natural death and accidental overdose are ruled out, that leaves one other possibility....murder.

Was Elvis Murdered?

Vernon presley was one of the first to question what was really going on. He had a distrust of Dr.Nick, of the medical examiners report, of Elvis's friends amd staff. He had suspicion that Elvis had been Murdered. And Vernon was not alone.

If Elvis's death was a crime scene it was not treated as such. The cleaning staff at Graceland meticulously cleaned the bathroom before the ambulance arrived, and shortly after the body was recovered. The carpet was scrubbed clean. The staff then went to work on the bedroom and dressing rooms in a curious clean up affair.

Why did they need to clean up?
Who ordered the immediate cleaning?

Was Elvis Murdered? Let me know what you think!! xoxo

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