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Lances POV

It's just a normal day so far, no galra have attacked yet but, I've been on edge ever sense the last attack lotor, said he wanted someone I can't figure out who, but he looked right at me and blue when he said it and it kinda scared me. suddenly I hear the alarms go off "what the hell its night-" I was cut off by Allura on the coms "there's been a -" suddenly it goes quiet and dark "Lance I can see you." I hear a voice whisper then I realized who the mysterious voice belongs to "lotor." I say with a shaky voice "are you paladin?" Lotor asks in a soft voice "n-no I'm not scared of y-you." I say it was pretty obvious I was scared "it's ok paladin I-" I cut him off "just please don't hurt me!" I beg he giggles softly he grabs my hand and pulls me close to him "now!" He yells all the lights turn on "lotor let him go!!" Keith yells all the paladins come running at me with their Bayard lotor starts to choke me "stop or I will KILL lance!" Lotor yells "l-lotor p-please..." I say struggling to breathe "I c-can't b-breathe..." I say starting to pass out lotors grip tightens I moan grabbing his hand that's on my neck "p-please..." I say he drops me I gasp for air holding my neck "if I can have the blue paladin I will spare your lives if not I will kill you all!" Lotor says with an evil smile "j-just let him h-have me I-I'm not I-important..." I say still catching my breath Keith looks like he's about to cry "NO I CANNOT LET HIM HAVE YOU LANCE!" Keith screams "your gonna give up that easy?" Lotor looks at me with shock "y-yes just TAKE ME KILL ME OR WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO TO ME!!!! I don't care anymore..." I yell everyone looks baffled "Lance..." Keith says with tears running down his face "I-I'm sorry k-Keith..."  I say crying lotor grads my hand and helps me up "come on lets go lance." He says "o-ok..."  his guards start to come towards me I flinched they try to grad my hands to gide me "guys don't hurt him k." Lotor demands "yes sir." They say in unison

On the galra ship

I can't believe I just gave myself up just like that wow I'm impressed with myself  I think to myself "so lance why did you give up?" Lotor asks "i-i don't know I just don't want to live anymore so I just thought it doesn't matter what happens to me." I say forgetting who I'm talking to "why, why would anyone not want to live?" Lotor questions eagerly "

So have this shit

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