The boy in the rain.

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Lances POV the next morning

That morning when I woke up I was alone I get up and walk to the bathroom then I see lotor. He walks over to me and hugs me I smile. I walk back to the bed and I sit soon lotor joins. "Hey lance?" He asks "Yeah?" I look at him with a soft smile "will you join me?" He looks down and fidgets with his hands I look at him with pure confusion.

Back the castle btw they have watching them this whole Time in the cameras no ones POV

"Lance don't join him!" Keith yells "Keith you know he can't hear us right?" Pidge looks at Keith with worry in their eyes "please..." Keith whispers to himself now having tears threatening to fall he then storms off.

Lancey Lance

"I-I don't know..." I say looking down lotor stands and sits next to me. He pulls my head close to his chest "take your time and think ok I'm not rushing you into anything." I look at him and smile softly then burry my head into his chest he laughs slightly I giggle as well

At the castle they can see wats happening still
Shiros POV

"I can't believe this." I start to get mad at lance "Pidge do you think this is an ack?" I ask hoping that the answer is yes "no I have NEVER seen him smile like that." They turn to face me realizing that I was starting to lose my temper "what happened while I was go-" Keith walks out then suddenly as if   Lotor knew we were watching he kisses lance "no..." Keith whispers to him "I'm gonna kill that purple bastard!" Keith yells and falls to the floor crying "Keith it's ok-" I try to talk to him and calm him down "NO ITS NOT LANCE IS NOW MAKING OUT WITH LOTOR!" Keith screams everyone turns around in disbelief. 

What will happen next?
No one knows.
Jk I do.
But that for me to know and you to find out. 

word count 348

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