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Lotors POV

"Why would someone not want to live anymore I don't understand?" I ask eagerly "well I guess you could say I have... depression and it's really bad I guess that means I'm broken..." Lance reply's and that makes me want to cry I can't believe this he thinks he's broken "really?!? You think you're broken?" "Yeah am I wrong? Am I not broken? I mean a lot of people have told me I am even my dad told me I was so-" I cut him off "i um... were here lance let's go."  I say

Lances POV

I look out the door hastily then I see Hagar wanting for me and see some guards behind her "the blue paladin I see you came with no issues." Hagar says smiling I'm scared she starts charging up a ball of black magic and throws it at me I get hit and scream in pain "agh what did I do to deserve that!" I scream "oh nothing I just don't like your ugly earthling face!" She yells laughing and re charging more black magic and I was still on the floor "Hagar!" Lotor yells picking me up and moving me out of the way "l-lotor why did you save me?!?" I say with surprise "lance you were on the ground if you got hit again I don't know what would of happened." Lotor calmly states "o-ok..." "Lotor take this prisoner to to his cell!!!" Hagar yelled as loud as she could and the sound echoed though the room and hurt my ears Lotor was holding me bridle stile I nuzzle my head into his chest at the loud sound Hagar laughs at the way I moaned Lotor looks surprised and starts to walk  still holding me "lance can you walk?" Lotor asks me softly "I- um y-yeah." He puts me down I stumble a bit but regained my balance with a little help of lotors arm after walking for a while We retch a empty cell "here this is for you lance." I nod and look into a dirty cell it was small it had a little bed and small desk with a notebook and pencil on it I walk In and Lotor sees the scared expressed on my face he puts his hand on my shoulder "are you ok lance you look horrified." Lotor asks softly "y-yeah I'll be fine." I answer Lotor walks out of the small cell and locks the door he walks away smiling at me softly 

A little later

We'll I guess this is it this is how it's gonna be...

Here's this (word count 444)

Learning how to breathe {Lancelot}Where stories live. Discover now