You like me?

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Lances POV

Soon we reach the medical bay as soon as we get there people were already there waiting for me and acxa I sat on a small bed next to another which was for acxa. A doctor came and started to look at my burn on my arm I flinch and a tear fell lotor came over to my and put his hand on my shoulder I look up he smiles warmly and I blush slightly "Lance would you like me to sit here with you?" In response I nuzzle my head into his chest he blushes and holds me nodding at the doctor so he can start working on the burn he puts a cream on it first which made the pain ten times worse I yelped as lotor holds me closer and we both blush deeper I cry silently as he rubs circles on my back. After I was taken care of lotor looks at my tear stained cheeks and put his hand on my face "lance would you like to sleep with me? Just so you don't have to go back to the cell." He asks while blushing "y-yeah." I stutter "ok come on let's go." He says holding out his hand I grab it and we walk to his room he opens the door "lance do you want to barrow some clothes?" "Yeah sure." With my response he points to his closet. I come out with a oversized shirt on lotor blushes.

Lotors POV

I was in bed already then lance came out in a oversized shirt I blush lightly then he climbs in the bed and quickly falls asleep curled up on my chest

Time skip (a few hours later)

I suddenly feel lance jump up "lance what's wrong?" I ask in a groggy voice "just a bad dream." He answers painting "it's ok." I say he lays down and gets closer to Me "hey lotor?" "Yeah." "Why are you being nice to me?" "Cuz I...Well...maybe kinda a little" he blushes a DEEP red I blush as well "I might like you kinda a little maybe too." Lance snuggles closer at his words "so are we a thing or?" "if you want I mean I want to be a thing but if your not comfortable then-" "Lotor I would love to date you." Lance says smiling at me softly "goodnight lance." "Night lotor." He says soon drifting off to sleep

Hiii I know I probably fucked up some grammar but whatever (word count 426)

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